The funniest thing you've ever seen

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oki doki guys im gonna be honest this is the day where Constance does sexytime with the weird fair guy. i moved the event to the day before the fall fair so it fits more with my story. sexytimes stuff is mentioned but im not one of those wattpad girls that are like: "his looooonnngggg girthyyy thick and juiiicccccyyyy member entered my-" you get the idea. But if u dont like when ppl talk abt sexytimes stuff even when it's very quick, (like im gonna do), just click off the fic cause im not gonna be annoying and put no trigger warnings and make someone puke or something. Anyways, hope i didn't scare you off, unless you're sensitive it's really not bad at all, have a fun time reading!

Constance was awakened to the feeling of a stinging pain in her leg. Then she heard the sound of child laughter. She slowly opened her eyes, being assaulted with the light of her room, looking down at her leg and seeing her little brother repeatitedly hitting it with his toy train. She quickly sat up in her bed, pulling her leg away. Her little brother giggled and quickly ran out of her room, for once closing the door on his way out. Constance groaned, grabbing her leg in pain. She looked over at her alarm clock. 6.17 am.She laid down again, hoping to get a little extra sleep before she actually had to get up. She was paying the price for begging her parents to give her a little sibling since she was four.

After giving up trying to get more sleep, she stood up to go to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth quickly before washing her face and applying her makeup, sneezing while putting on her mascara and poking herself in the eye with the mascara wand. After blinking out what felt like a million tears, she finished carefully putting on her mascara. Constance went back to her room to put on her uniform before going down to the kitchen to get breakfast. Her mom was standing in the kitchen, humming while making cupcake batter for the café.

Constance couldn't help but think how dumb her mother was. She was always so happy about her stupid town and her stupid café. She was as stuck in this dead end town as anyone else, she just didn't realize it like everyone else did. Constance held her thoughts back and pinched herself in the arm. Whenever she thought something bad about her parents and the town, she would quickly pinch herself in the arm. She didn't want to have those thoughts, but she couldn't control her brain. She was ashamed of how she thought about her parents and their café, and she would never admit it to anyone. Every day she hoped her thoughts would just go away, but they never did.

"Hi sweetie, up early today? Are you excited for the singing competition tomorrow?" her mother's face turned to her, still adding flour to the batter as she spoke.

Constance was definitely not excited about it. She always got the worst parts of the song, being the choir's alto was so boring. Constance nodded, not wanting to say anything back.

"Do you want some toast or an egg to eat?"

Constance shook her head. "No thanks mom, ill just grab an apple. I love you." Constance said, as she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and walked out of the kitchen. She glanced at the clock. 7.14 am. Ocean was there in 16 minutes, as always. Ever since first grade they had followed eachother to school. Constance liked the routine. She sat down on the couch with her phone to burn a bit of time, since she was up a little early today. After a very long and boring 16 minutes, she walked out in her garden, waiting for Ocean, seeing her approaching after a minute of waiting.

"Hi Ocean!" She exclaimed, smiling at her and grabbing her hand.

"Hey Connie." She said, smiling back and squeezing Constance's hand in her's gently.

Constance felt butterflies in her stomach as she squeezed her hand. She didn't want to think about it, but she had developed a crush on Ocean over the past few months. She had known she liked girls sinec she was twelfe and she got a crush on her friend Tammy from her history class. She always wanted to kiss her and hold her hand, and once told her that if she was a boy she would ask her to be her girlfriend. She cried about it alot in the beginning, especially because Ocean had been her best friend since kindergarden, and she wasn't quite sure how she would react. Noel had come out about the same time as Constance realized who she was, and she was always jealous of him, even though she felt guilty about it. Ocean didn't say anything when someone made fun of him, they were friends before then, but after that, Noel didn't want to talk to her, and Constance was afraid the same would happen if she told her, or Ocean would think she had a crush on her and stop being friends with her. except now she actually did.

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