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"Wake up" I felt a light tap on my jaw and a familiar voice booming from above telling me to wake up.

I groaned and tried to shake the extreme tiredness from my head and body, I felt lethargic and weak and I could barely open my eyes.

What did they inject me with?

Inject.. my eyes shot open once everything came back to me and I was met face to face with Vincent himself.

My eyes immediately began to well up with tears as yet another man took advantage of me, "why?" Was the first word to leave my mouth, he just stared at me with a blank look.

I wasn't even afraid anymore I just wanted this all to end...

He rose from his kneeling position and straightened his jacket out, it was the same clothes he asked me to be his girlfriend in and now I realized that it was all fake.

"You'll find out soon enough" he said, his aura was different way different than before, he seemed more menacing and angry, like he could snap at anytime but was it weird that I still could see the soft side of him? I know I'm crazy but I can't believe that the two weeks we had was just gone I refuse, it's simply impossible for someone to ask so fake, I'm sure he felt something right?

"Vincent please talk to me, you made me had such a great time these past weeks, I felt something for the first time in a long time, something genuine that wasn't encouraged by fear. All that can't be a lie can it, please tell" his head whipped in my direction and it seemed my words pissed him off as he charged towards me, he grabbed my hand and yanked me off the chair and into his face.

A shriek left my body at the sheer force in which he grabbed me with, "it was a lie. You mingled with the enemy, let him touch you knowing what he did. I could never lie with someone like you" the enemy...

His words cut deep, like a knife slicing through my chest. I thought I could trust him, I thought we had something.. I thought this was it, I was finally free but life doesn't work that way especially for me.

"Your him, the man who's father got killed my Lorenzo..." I whispered before I could stop myself, I felt angry and frustrated, he threw me off him and I hit the floor with a hard thud, landing right on my arm, I heard a pop and a sharp pain shot through my body.

I screamed and clutched the throbbing hand against my body, I saw panic shoot through Vincent's eyes and he took a step towards me but he stopped himself.

I looked at my hand and saw a dent in it and I knew that it was broken, "please help me it hurts so bad" the pain was unbearable and it felt like it worsened with every slight movement.

Tears streamed down my face at the sheer pain and fire that was fuming inside of my hand, "that's how painful it was to see my father lying in bed with so many stab wounds in his chest I could barely recognize him, that's how painful it was to hear the screams of my mom when she discovered his body and saw her begin to spiral out of control... your going to pay for his mistakes just like I did".

I could no longer bear it, the whimpers left my mouth even though I tried to stop them and the tears just continuously flowed, I heard him and I heard his pain but it's not my fault.

"Please Vincent I'm sorry you went through that but I had nothing to do with that" I begged, still clutching my arm tightly as if it was about to fall off.

He shook his head like nothing I said mattered to him anymore, "your right you have nothing to do with it but you have something to do with Lorenzo, he clearly loves you and I'm going to take you away from him right before his eyes" with that's he walked out of the dark, wet room and slammed the door shut behind him.

My eyes were wide with fear, thoughts spiraling out of control at what he just said.

Lorenzo loves me? And he's going to take me away from him? The thought of everything that's about to come came crashing down on me and I broke down.

I wanted this to end.

Made Men| Ruin Me Book 1 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now