California vacation

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Picture of Rosalina
1 year later

"Hey Lina" Ryan said as he walked towards my locker.
"Hey Ryan" I said as I closed my locker door.
"Got any plans this weekend"Ryan asked.
"No, why do you ask"I said.
Ryan's face lighted up with his idea. Making me wonder what the plans were.
"Me, you California "Ryan exclaimed.
"Seriously that a six and a half hour drive from LA"I said.
"Yup gives us time to talk about us"Ryan winked.
It's almost summer and I really want to go to California with Ryan. Only if his arrogant, annoying brother Ryder won't be there.
"I'll think about it and get back to you" I said as the bell rang signaling the start of school.
"Later Lina" Ryan said.
"Later" I smiled walking into the hell trap called school.


The first three sessions were the worst, all I could think about was the trip with Ryan.

"Lina did you hear anything I__" Sky asked.
"She's not even listening" Jose shouted.
"Lina's in la la land" Mya said.
"Oh I sorr__, wait did you just say I was in la la land" I said as my friends started to laugh.
"Come. on. let's. go. to. lunch." Mya said laughing.

Walking into the cafeteria we joined the line. Picking up a grilled cheese sandwich, chocolate pudding and cherry juice. I walked out of the line to find our regular lunch table.

" You guys I have to tell you something"
" What is it" they asked in union.
" Ryan asked me to go to California with him but I don't know if I should go"
"Oh because of Ryder" Jose asked.
"Yea should I go?" I replied.
"Hell yea go have fun" Sky shouted, earning us stares from the table next to us.
"But, but not too much fun if you know what I mean" Mya replied wiggling her eyebrows.

The rest of lunch time was spent talking about what we were all going to do for the upcoming summer. Before we noticed lunch time was over, so we said our goodbyes and head of to our classes.


At the end of school I found Ryan at my locker waiting for me like usual.
"Hey" I said.
"Hey, you finish think about the trip" Ryan asked.
"Yea I think I'm gonna go, when are we going" I asked.
"The next week if thats okay with you"Ryan questioned.
"Yea see you tomorrow Ryan"I said turning around.
" Alright, oh before I forget I'll talk to your parents" Ryan shouted.
"Okay bye" I said as I walked off in the opposite direction.

We'll that the first chapter so vote and comment. Inbox me if you need to clarify anything thanks.

*Adri *

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