Chapter I - I Hate You

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Whether it was a school day or the weekend, (Y/n) would devote their mornings to drawing; it was practically the only time they had in doing whatever they pleased, without having the pressures of reality weigh down their shoulders for once. Of course, they couldn't help it because the adults in their life had only wanted to be exemplary to the future that they anticipated in having (Y/n) once the time came; they were surrounded many dictations on the right and wrong, on every aspects of their life.

But (Y/n) can't really complain. Because, isn't that how it always is for every teenager like them? They wouldn't be the first, so they were no exception.

Though there were times were their parents in particular were more than what they could handle.

"(Y/n)!" The fifteen year had gotten caught up in the music that are blasting into their ears, bopping their head from time to time as they mouthed some of the lyrics to the song that they could never tired of; in moments like these, the doodling sessions that they had dedicated to their sketch book would practically separate them from the outside world completely. So much so that they couldn't hear the constant yelling that came from the other side of their bedroom door, "(Y/n)!" Eventually the yelling became loud enough for (Y/n) to hear, and they immediately teared off their headphones from their ears, "What're you doing? You should've left the house five minutes ago! Aren't you ready?"

(Y/n) wears a panicked look when they realize that they had look track of time, and they turn on the home screen of their home; their eyes go wide when they see that they were, indeed, way behind their schedule. Not to mention that they were still in their pajamas, "Uh...yeah!" They refused to let their parents catch them red-handed, so they hurriedly began to undress themselves, "Of course I'm ready!" They near fell on certain occasions when they change into their school uniform; from the dress shirt and sweater vest, to the (trousers/skirt), and to the jacket and tie that would complete their outfit. It's not the first that it's happened, so they've gotten accustomed to dressing rather quickly; on this occasion it took them less than a minute to put on the uniform.

"Then get down here already!" They can tell that their father was getting annoyed; he was never a patient man whenever he was kept waiting, "At this point, I have to drop you off to the school myself!"

"No, it's okay!" (Y/n) encounters the laundry basket that their mom left the night prior, filled with clean clothes that they actually had to fold (as requested by their mom); in a tremendous hurry, they lift up the basket and throw every single clothing item into their empty luggage, "I can walk there!" They knew they should've packed their luggage the night before, but it couldn't be helped; it was bad enough that they had been exhausted by the last-minute homework that they had to complete that evening.

"(Y/n), come on, you have to go!" Hearing their mom then gets them even anxious that they'll scolded in some way, and they pick up the pace in packing the last of their belongings for their book bag, "You're going to be late!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" (Y/n) slides down all of the textbooks and notebooks that plastered their desk, with a single arm that gathered all books to fall right into their book bag, "I just need a minute!" Amongst the books, they make sure to bring their sketch book too.

The second that (Y/n) opens their bedroom door, they apologize to their parents in advance as they speed walk to the kitchen, "Sorry, I wasn't looking at the time and--" They were walking pass their mom first, who was also getting ready to leave the apartment as well.

"You forgot to pack your luggage, didn't you?" Their mom wasn't clueless to (Y/n)'s habits; she knew them the best compared to their dad.

(Y/n) laughs off the accusation, "No, no, no!" They sheepishly walk backwards when maintaining a nervous smile at their mom, "I was just busy doing homework, that's all! It was already packed!" They turn back to where they were initially heading towards to: the refrigerator, "It happens, doesn't it?" They open the door of the refrigerator and grabs out the first snack that caught their eye, a small carton of jello that is of their favorite flavor, "Don't worry, I'll get there in time."

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