start a new life

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Not a long time later the girl suddenly wake up the girl was so confused while stand up and looking around her is so dark and she doesn't know what she doing so she just walking but also still confused.

Girl: am I not dead yet? Why am I here? If I remember correct I just jump from the building right?

The girl said confused and trying to think back while suddenly the dark place change have a little stars around the place. The girl was a little  surprised by it and stop walking suddenly the girl notice something In front her have a really bright shine thing.

Girl: I guess I am dead now....

The girl said a little sad but still accept the fact because is her choice she made it while she standing there and again thinking about her past life but suddenly the shine thing starts talking.

Unknown: aww.... Is someone started to feel regrets?

The unknown person started laughing the girl can't see it and don't know who is he. She got so surprised by the voice suddenly talking while she look around.

Girl: w.. Who there?.... And what you mean regrets?

The girl said while look around confused and suddenly the voice started laughing again.

Unknown: who is me? Will you don't need to know it. Anyway what I mean regrets is your death? You look so sad about your choice.

The girl look a little surprised but still answers he

Girl: I... Didn't regrets anything..... I just... Feel sad about how my life will be like this.... But I didn't regrets anything.

The girl said while really accept she choice and the voice staying quite a little before started speaking again.

Unknown: hmm... Interesting... Anyway calista do you want a change of your life again?

The girl got so surprised by what the voice said .

Calista: w... Wait?... H.. How you know my name? And... What you mean change my life?... I mean I dead how am I gonna live again?

Calista said confused and a little surprised while the voice laughing again.

Unknown: oh will of course I know your name I know everything about your life. Anyway yes you are dead but I can still make you live again but only if you have a heart to change it.

Calista is a little surprised while thinking so long didn't said anything. The voice then got so boring for waiting and speak again.

Unknown: my god! Just accept it and go change it is not that hard. Is not like I'm telling you to die.

Calista: I... I need to think... And also why you want me to change it?

Unknown: will to see something fun of course. Anyway all you gotta do is start a new life is easy right.

The voice said while laughing a little before Calista can say anything the voice suddenly speaks again.

Unknown: okay that's all so now go before to late.

Calista: wait I haven't said anything yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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