DAy 3

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it was just another day for Seokmin but for Jisoo, it was a day he would be dropping another letter along with banana milk.

Seokmin wasted no time to grab the letter and read it.

My Sunshine,

Did you like the muffins? and oh also I bought you banana milk today. I heard you have your musical practice in the afternoon. I wanted to wish you all the best and tell you that when I heard you would be playing that role I wanted to be the heroine. Also, I heard it has a lot of kiss scenes and I am not ready to share you with anyone but I know all i can do is wish but remember i will be here and always love you

from your love'


Seokmin widened his eyes on reading the letter. "He sure is cute when he is jealous", Seokmin thought before doing the same routine which was throwing all the other letters in His locker and Jisoo's in his bag. He sipped his banana milk while wondering who might his secret admirer be.

"You are telling me we are changing heroines at the last moment and I have exactly two weeks to practice the script with her", Seokmin yelled at his brother who was the director of this musical. "Miyeon gave up in the last moment Soekie we need someone right now", Wonwoo said while being stressed. "Why can't it be him? he suits the role so perfectly", Jun who was Wonwoo's friend yelled pointing his fingers at a certain male who was talking to one of the actors. "Good go talk to him seokie", Wonwoo said Soekmin who saw with a "What the hell" look but he knew how much this musical meant to Wonwoo so here he was standing in front of Wait, it was the same guy who bumped into him yesterday.

Jisoo did not expect Seokmin to come and ask him to be the heroine of his musical. It felt like a dream but it was real. Jisoo agreed cause what was the harm? he would meet Seokmin everyday~~~

Guys so finally jisoo is DK's heroine

stay tuned for the next chapter~~~~~~~

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