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Santana's pov

It's been a whole nine months since I left my old school my baby girl is 4 months old now and I couldn't get over how big she is getting. I still live with my parents, they love having a grandchild that lives in the same house with them as my nieces and nephews obviously don't live here but they are always around.

I did my regular morning routine as today was my first day back to McKinley , Roman decided to go there as well so we both can finish our senior year. I left last school year around February now it's November, the only reason I was coming back is because the school I previously when to was becoming too much. It was so much violence going on and fights. The old me would've been cool with it but I have a whole ass daughter to look after. I had got myself together as I knew one of her grandparents had her or her dad. Roman's parents were over all the time to help with her and I loved it. It gave me time to recollect myself.

I had gotten dressed before getting Lani's clothes together and diaper bag, my sister was gonna baby sit her for the day while we went to school. I made my way downstairs it was quiet, I saw my dad in the living room holding her. "Hi papi." I say walking over to him kissing his head before putting my hands out for her. I laughed softly as he shook his head no. This man never wanted to give me my baby back he was almost worse than her father. "I have to get her ready so we can drop her off." I say before walking over in front of him gently taking her as he had a huge pout. I playfully shook my head before heading back upstairs. I laid her on the bed rubbing her stomach as she was already changed and fed.

I waited for a few before gently getting her ready for the day not wanting her to wake up because God knows that girl is just like me once getting woken up. For her to only be four months she has so much personality and I loved every bit. My bedroom door opened and I already knew. Roman walked in and dropped his bookbag '"My baby sleep?" He whisper pouting. I glanced down at our daughter and it was like she knew, now I might've gave birth to her but when she's around her dad it's like I didn't matter.

He let out a gasped looking at her as she kicked her legs excitedly. He picked her up sitting down "Oh man, daddy missed you so much mama." He says rubbing her back, I rolled my eyes before taking a picture of them.

"I swear she thinks she's teasing me." I joke before walking over to them.

" I joke before walking over to them

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"You can have your daddy." I say kissing all over her face before finishing getting everything together.

It took a good thirty minutes before we got into the car with my parents asking me was I sure about the school and then asking am I sure about Gabi watching her. We dropped her off taking us both five minutes to say bye to her before making our way to school.

"Are you ready? If you need anything and I mean anything, just text me Santana you know I'll fuck this whole school up for my best friend."
Roman said causing me to smile.

I was glad I had him and forever grateful that he ended up being the father of my first baby. "I think I'll be good and I'll text you and you better text me, you know I'll go all Lima Heights." I said to him as he lets out a laugh before agreeing. I took a deep breath before walking in with him I knew everyone by now knew about my sexuality. I could feel people staring and whispering. I continued to walk I glanced over seeing a few of the glee kids they were looking at me as if they saw a ghost. I quickly looked away grabbing Roman's hand pulling him towards our lockers.

"Are you okay?" He asked while opening his locker, I nodded groaning "I just had to come back." I mumbled he chuckled rubbing my back. "It's safer." He says reminding me on why I agreed. Dave Karofsky thought to welcome her back with a slushie too bad Roman saw it coming. Roman quickly grabbed his arm causing David to drop the slushie, he moved slamming him against the lockers. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" Roman asked while pulling his arm in a more uncomfortable position. Karofsky let out a groan as his eyes started to tear up. "Nothing man!" He said before groaning in pain more. "Fuck off dickhead." Roman said before pulling him back slamming him in the locker again then letting go of his arm. The best friends watched as Karofsky quickly ran away. "You know if I was straight that would be romantic." I joked softly causing Roman to laugh loudly , I laughed pushing him away from me going to class.

As the day went by the glee kids have not so secretly watching me, it's like they had something to say. I saw Mercedes and Quinn sitting next to each other staring at me. "What?" I asked snapping. They both looked surprised. "We thought we'd never see you again." Mercedes said I shrugged "Well surprise." I said sarcastically "I didn't really have plans on returning after the shit your hero Finn pulled." I said as I of course still held a grudge. My grandma disowned me and she never got to even meet Lani I was planning on naming her after her but decided to name her after my other grandma on my mom's side who lives in Puerto Rico.

I could still feel their stares now I know out of everyone in glee club those two would have my back regardless on how much I fought with them. "He's not our hero and Finn's an asshole." Quinn says and I look at her getting a good look at her she looked happier than she did before I left. "How's Beth?" I asked not to be an asshole but I genuinely wanted to know, honestly watching Quinn go through motherhood the first year basically by herself inspired me to keep my baby. She looked at me surprised and watched my facial expression to see if I had an angle.

Her face than lights up as she smiled "She's good, she's talking now and already started to walk right around when you left." She said as Mercedes spoke "Yeah, you should see my goddaughter she's all over the place and is a little Quinn." She said as I wasn't surprised at her being the godmother as she was probably the only one truly there for Quinn during her pregnancy and afterwards.

"That's good Quinn, I'm happy for you." I say softly before turning my attention on the teacher as she walked in.

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