✨Chapter 4✨

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-6 years later-

After years of working with Dr black, and with his henchmen, Katie suddenly felt something in her chest like something was strange, but also heart warming?

Katie's Pov:

I woke up to my alarm, i decided to shut my alarm off, and see that the time was 5:00 AM, I decided to get up from my bed, and decided to get ready for the day.

I walked to my bathroom, and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and did my morning routine, While i was done in the bathroom, i walked over to my closet, and pick out a outfit for my next mission that Dr black has planned for me.

I walked to my bathroom, and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and did my morning routine, While i was done in the bathroom, i walked over to my closet, and pick out a outfit for my next mission that Dr black has planned for me

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When i was done getting ready, i quickly headed to the kitchen, and i decided to grab some water, and look for something to eat before going on my mission.

I suddenly heard something from my garage, i walked over to my garage, and noticed something was moving under the mecha beast sheets, i removed the sheets, and i noticed that there was a lizard like creature, it seemed scared, and was only trying to find food

"Hey little guy, don't worry i won't hurt you, i promise" i said with a slight smile, i held my hand out, and the small lizard creature crawled onto my hand.

-End of Pov-

Katie took the little creature to the kitchen to find it some food, she found some slug food, and gave some to the lizard creature, "Here you go little guy" she said with a soft smile, the little creature crawls over to the food, sniffing it before eating it.

Katie took the little creature to the kitchen to find it some food, she found some slug food, and gave some to the lizard creature, "Here you go little guy" she said with a soft smile, the little creature crawls over to the food, sniffing it befor...

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(This is my very first art work, Also, It's a female.)

Katie tilts her head to the side slightly "Whats your name little guy?" katie asks, the little creature looks up at katie slightly confused, "Don't you have a name?" katie asks, the little creature looks down slightly sad, katie noticed that the creature was feeling sad "Hey don't worry, i can be your new owner" katie said with a smile.

the creature looks up at katie with a smile, and purrs slightly, "hm... what name should i give you?" katie thought to herself.

"Oh how about pearl?" katie asks,  the creature smile widened almost as if she was very happy with the name.

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