After carder reviled he's transcripts jaune was betrayed by his friend except Ruby Nora ren cvfy sssn as he was training in the emerald forest he begins to hear voices in his head talking to him saying negative things and attracting Grimm's to him a...
It's been a few months since jaune/Gilgamesh killed the brother God's and now they are going after the source of the Grimm we'll travelling through Reamnet they have been training for the final battle ahead nora trains to get a better grasp on the power her grandma used in life and she gotten used to it ren also killed the nuckelive that destroyed his home village and then finally the got to their destination ever knight castle.
Enkidu: we're here.
Nora: so this is the place huh have to say this place creeped me out.
As she said that will looking at there serunding and sees Grimm's glore it's perpetually night and there's an erey feeling everywhere.
Ren: yeah it feels like we being watched every step here.
Gilgamesh: yeah anyways I need to give you guys something.
Enkidu: and that being?.
Jaune/Gilgamesh opened up golden portals and gave them the relics for ren the relic of knowledge for nora the relic of choice for ruby/enkidu the relic of creation and for himself the relic of destruction.
Enkidu: wait isn't this------
Before she can finish her sentence jaune/Gilgamesh finish it for her.
Gilgamesh: the relics than yes yes they are.
Nora: why did you gave them to us?
Gilgamesh: because I have a feeling that we will need them in the upcoming battles ahead
And after saying that he and his companion's go into the castle and they saw people in the castle one is a men with black hair with white stripes on the side's of his head and a mustache another men dis time has brown hair tan skin and a small beard and the final man was a scorpion faunus he has brown hair pale skin and an insane look to him
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Tyrain: hahahahahaha well look what come here pray that has our objective with them this is so easy the goddess will be pleased.
He said in an insane way jaune/Gilgamesh, ruby/enkidu,ren, and nora know who dis goddess he was talking about after all they are here to kill 'her' after all
Watts: I must say thanks for not only bringing us the relics but also for ending cinder for me because I also hated that girl she's very very bossy and for kill her a thank you.
He said much more normally then the Physicoh
Hazel: just heand over the relics and no one gets hurt
He asked didn't want to kill children but....
Gilgamesh: sorry but we have more praising matters right now so.....
As he said that he turned to golden dust before repering behind Salem's minions
Gilgamesh: enkidu,ren,nora hold them off for as long as you can will I go after salem!!
E/r/n: right!
And so they in gaijhe there Aphonets ruby/enkidu is fighting Watts ren is fighting Hazel and nora is fighting tyrain ruby use her chains against Watts every time he dodges a chain more emideatly follow and strike him down with nora and tyrain fight she is using her maiden powers against her aphonet tyrain try to sting her with his scorpion stinger key word here is 'try' because nora used her increase speed to her advantage against tyrain she used the relic of choice to her advantage allowing her to know what to do in her battle and she strike her aphonet down with her winter maiden power infuses hammer on him as for ren he is currently fighting against Hazel and it close to its climax before ren did something interesting with the relic of knowledge
Ren: jinn I asked you to show me and my aphonet Hazel what actually happened to his sister!
The relic of knowledge glow in response to his question and it shows him and Hazel what really happen to Hazel's sister and they see a lot of things like Salem is the one that killed Hazel's sister and manipulate him to join her Hazel right now is on his knees a pon seeing what really happen to his sister
Hazel: so that what happened to my sister?
Ren: it Sims so what are you going to do now?
Hazel: i-i just going to go somewhere.
He stand up and started to walk away from this castle before he leaved permanently he look back at them
Hazel: hey kid.
Enkidu: what is it?
Hazel: when you guys confront Salem please make her suffer.
Enkidu: we were already planned on it.
Hazel smiled and walked away from ever knight castle and the Dark Lands as ruby,Ren,and nora went to were jaune/Gilgamesh is currently he is currently facing off geincha the queen of the Grimm salem
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He is shouting his weapon from his gates of babalon at Salem as she keeps on dodging as she did saudenly chain's come from the entrance to the thrown room and he smiles know how is the owner of the chain's or more accurately who they are and he sees ruby/enkidu is currently unleashing her chain's on Salem she is keeping dodging the chain's then Ren shout Salem with immortality negating bullets then nora come in with her hammer
She hits Salem death in the face sending her right at ruby/enkidu's direction and she hits her with her chain's that were being condenses then Ren shout her with his bullets then it's jaune/Gilgamesh Turner and he opened up a hundred gates aimed at Salem and then
Gilgamesh: it's time to end this!.
Salem: do you think it will be over by just killing me you are naive if that will stop the Grimm than you are naive
Gilgamesh: well not quait but if you're gone then the Grimm will slowly died out as a species mining that it's the end of the Grimm,huntsman, and huntress for good.
And so he fired every weapon in the gate of babalon at Salem riffing her apart and that's the eng of Salem the queen of the Grimm jaune/Gilgamesh looks at were Salem death then to his team
Gilgamesh: it's over it's finally over
Enkidu: what should we do know?
She asked her lover
Gilgamesh: we live our lives now that's this hole shadows is over now
Ren: yeah I guess so
And so with that they got out of ever knight castle and go there ways they live there lives in peace......