Chapter 2: "The Boy with the Black Quiff."

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A/N Hayy this is like a filler chapter sorry guiess :( Nothing that exciting happens but it will get more exciting soon. It's pretty lazy writing so sorry. Enjoy!

I never knew that someone I didn't know could hurt me so much. I felt a part of me shatter when I  saw him fighting to just sit next to me. How could I be impacted so much by him? I hadn't realized I was tearring up until I felt a warm drop on my cheek. 

"Miss Johnson? Are you alright?" The doctor says walking towards me. 

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I just got a headache from all the screaming." I lie to the doctor. The doctor opened his mouth to say something but decided to keep his mouth closed. We sat like this for a couple of minutes. 

"You're cleared to go home today....but we have a problem." The doctor says taking a seat at his computer and tapping his pen on his chin. 

"What is it?" I asked completely clueless of what he was going to say next. 

"You live with the boy who came in here before." 

"The curly haired one?" 


"The boy with the black quiff? I believe his name was Zayn?" I try and clarify. 

"Yes."  I felt myself panic. I'm supposed to share a house with a man who for all I know could be a rapist? A trickle of sweat dropped on my forehead. I excused myself for air. The doctor helped me up and I walked outside to get a drink. 

It's not like I thought Zayn was un-attractive, it's just that....I know nothing about him. What does he do for a living? When was he born? For gods sake I don't even know his favorite color. Do we share a bed? I shutter at the thought  of sleeping with a stranger. Have we like....? Oh god please no. Please tell me I'm still a virgin. What if I have a child? Holy shit do I have a child? How long have we been dating? Where's my family? Where do I live? I have so many questions. I'm so scared. How am I expected to go and live with a stranger? What if-

"Excuse me do you know where the food-Ally!" A blonde boy who looks so cute I could pinch his cheeks off embraces me in a hug. "Please tell me, do you know who I am?" I look at him closely. 

"No clue." 

"Really?" His cute face turns depressed in an instant. "I'm Niall. I'm Zayn and Harry's friend." Why am I so close to 3 really hot guys? 

"Nice to meet you Niall." I say. 

"That's so weird to hear because we are best friends..." He trails off and looks down. I'm sorry, but you look like a leprechaun and thats all I know. 

I stay there in silence when Harry walks up to us. "Niall c'mon." He grabs Niall's arm and storms off, leaving me standing in the middle of a hospitals hallway. 


"Alright Alexandra, you're set to go." The doctor says handing me my bags. I say thank you and head off to the visiters section and look for Zayn. I wait for a good 5 minutes until Zayn walks up to me. 

"Hi." He says rubbing the back of his neck. I  wave awkwardly. "can I-uh take your bags?" He looks horrible. His hair isn't as lively, his eyes are drooping and his face is red. He has been crying.

I nod and he takes my bags. We head to the car. As we sit there in complete and utter quiteness I can't help myself from asking a question. 

"How long have we been together?" I ask. I see Zayn go pale. 

"2 years..." 

"Do I have a child?" I blurt out. He starts laughing. 

"Pfft No way!" He laughs uncontrollably. "You have a child?" Why is it so funny? I don't get it. 

"Umm..." I say. He calms down and becomes sad again. 

"We've never had sex don't worry." A wave of relief washes over me. Phewf. 

We drive up to a nice sized flat. "Home sweet home." He says sarchastically. I ignore it and head inside realizing the door was unlocked. He guides me into a room. 

"This was our room." He says. Our? That meant we did sleep together... "I'll be sleeping on the couch." 

I put my bags on the bed and he walks out and into the bathroom. I hear the door close. I walk around the house to look for a phone. I see one on the wall. I dial my moms number. 

The number you have entered is not available. Please try again later. 

Shit. All I have to say is shit. That's it. 

I go back into OUR room and I fall onto the bed. I look to my side and see a picture of Zayn and I sitting on a boardwalk holding hands and looking back at someone taking a picture. Why can't I remember? All I know right now is I'm in a house I've never been in before and I live with the boy with a black quiff. 

A/N 4 votes please? Thanks! it sucked Ik but hayy gotta have those filler chapters ;) 

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