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YN ALLOWS HERSELF to fall backwards and land onto the soft sofa behind her, the girls head resting behind her whilst she blankly stared up at the ceiling.

she then suddenly felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of her head which caused her to look to the side and see her sister nervously staring at her.

having enough, yn sits herself up and faces vanessa, "right what the hell is going on with you? ever since i got this new job, youve been acting really weird." she confronts and watches closely when the blonde immediately tenses up.

"yn.." vanessa gently took her hands and held them in hers, giving her sister a reassuring squeeze which gave the girl slight deja vu from when mike did the same thing.

"that place? it is not good news.." she quietly says and anybody would think she was bullshitting over jealousy but the fear in her eyes would say the complete opposite.

yn then slowly pulls her hands away and moves backwards from her sister when fear and confusion begun to pump quickly through her veins.

"nessa.. whats going on?" she slowly asks, the suspicions gradually rising when the blonde would no longer make eye contact with her.

"i—" the women gets cut off when the phone start blaring through the house, making her pounce out of her chair and run towards the device where she picked it up and answered.

yn silently picks at her nails nervously, discreetly eaves dropping in on the conversation her sister was having on the phone with an unknown person until she hung up with a sigh.

"i have to go to work.. duty calls—" the women then once again gets cut off but this time by her sister who shot up from the sofa and faced her angrily.

"no, dont you bullshit me!" yn suddenly snapped to which vanessa slightly flinched back at the sudden outburst. "you will stay here and tell me what you were going to say before you go!" she continued, her eyes stinging with anger.

vanessa took a step forward and stared down at yn with a sympathetic look, "yn im sorry. ill talk to you when i get back home." she argued and before yn had the chance to bite back, vanessa was already gone.

• ✵ •

A FEW HOURS HAD ALREADY PASSED, yn and mike both find themselves back in the security room except this time, yn was less joyful to be around considering her arms were tightly crossed around her torso and she was sternly staring at the security camera screens.

ON HOLD ,, 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐓 - M.SWhere stories live. Discover now