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I LET OUT A FED UP BREATH, looking down at my younger sister who sits in front of me, "abs no, i.." mine and abbys small moment gets interrupted by a loud knock at the door which led me to sigh and answer it.

"oh, yn.. hey.." i feel my heart pump against my chest and my cheeks slightly heating up at the sight of the girl i could potentially like.

the door opens wider and abby jumps next to me and smiles widely at yn, "hey mike.. and hello." she smiles at the young girl then looks back at me, giving me a look to which i nod understandably.

"abby could you, uh.. give us a moment?" i ask and a small frown creases on abbys forehead but she ends up nodding and turns to yn and gives her another smile before she skips away.

"somebody broke into freddys last night." she straight up says, catching me by huge surprise and even more when she pulls out a familiar orange pill pot out of her pocket and tosses it to me. "recognise these?" she asks.

yns expression then turns slightly dark, her eye brows furrowing, "vanessa thinks you may have something to do with the break in, considering she found those." she gestures to the pills that were now clutched tightly in my hand.

i swallow the nervous saliva that built up in my mouth and blankly look down at the ground, "you wouldnt understand." i quietly mumble.

"then help me understand." the h/c haired girl says, the two of us stood in a small silence for a few seconds until yn averts her gaze away from me and down to the floor. "look, please just talk to me and i can convince vanessa to not file a report. because once she does, its out of her hands." she sighs.

i nod and glance behind me to check if abby was around to which she wasnt so i turn back to the girl. "you wanna take a walk?" the two of us walk around my block for a bit before we both settle down on a small hill in front of a lake.

"so i used to have a brother.. his name was garrett. and when i was.. about 12, he was uh, he was taken. and i was there when it happened. they never found the guy who did it, and they never found my brother."

the entire time i explained the situation with my brother, yn stayed completely silent and listened to everything i said but i couldnt help but notice from the corner of my eye; her eyes fixated on me the whole time.

"so theres this theory that, uh, we cant forget things. basically, it says that every single thing that you see in your entire life, down to the tiniest of details, gets stored inside of you. you just have to know how to look."

ON HOLD ,, 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐓 - M.SWhere stories live. Discover now