Chapter - 3

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It had been a few days since the first step of Jungmi's mastermind plan had been executed successfully.

Bongsoo was still not able to get Jin out of her mind. She remembered all the butterflies she got when he held her hand, and how her heart beats increased when their hands brushed.
"Isn't this how they show the lead couple's story start in the dramas?" she thought, and unknowingly she started blushing.

"What is wrong with you Bongsoo. Get a grip on yourself."

Meanwhile Jin was trying his best not to think about her, but her smile kept coming in front of his eyes. He distracted himself with his work every time he thought of her.

One day, when the three were having breakfast, he asked suddenly.
"Jungmi-ya how's your professor Lee? Is her ankle fine now?"

JK and Jungmi smiled as Jin had never shown concern for anyone else except them both and Yoongi, in years.

"Yes oppa she's fine now. It's healing fast."

He nodded.
And he got a call from Yoongi.

"Hyung good morning! What are you doing?"

"I'm having my breakfast on a SUNDAY morning, which is a holiday I guess."

"Yeah says the workaholic who even works on Sundays."

"I'm not working today."

"Great then come with me."


"Look, don't get mad at me. But I'm going on a date with a girl, who is looking for a good company to give her mall design project to. And I have also asked her to bring her partner.. For a.. Double date."

"What?" Jin almost shouted.

"Okay before you snap first hear me out. Don't consider this as a date. Just consider as a business meeting. It's a really big opportunity for us to let it go hyung. Just think about it, we can talk to them and get this project for our company."

Jin thought for a while, then let out a sigh and said,
"Fine but I'm telling you I'm really not going to treat this as a date."

"Yes yes okay. So get ready we're leaving in an hour. I'll text you the place details."

He cut the call. And immediately JK asked.
"What happened hyung? I heard the word 'date' from your mouth. You going anywhere?" he asked teasing him.

"I'm just going on a business meeting, nothing more."

He went to get ready and Jungkook Jungmi started laughing.

"I still can't believe this actually worked." JK said.

"I told you it will."


"Hello Yoongi oppa?"

"Oh Jungmi-ya! How are you?"

"I'm fine. Actually I wanted to ask for a favour."

Then she explained everything to Yoongi how they were trying to set up Jin with Bongsoo.

"Wow if you're really able to do that, I'll gift you whatever you ask for." Yoongi said.

"Hehe. So oppa listen, you have to ask Jinu oppa to come out with you today, and tell him it's a date but in a way he can't say no to. You know like a business meeting. And I have also talked with miss Lee's friend. She has agreed to be a part of it. She'll also bring miss Lee telling her something. Understod right oppa?"

"Yes mam. Consider it done."

"Thank youuu."

She cut the call and JK asked.
"How did you find miss Lee's friend's number?"

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