𝐯𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥

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Nothing was going according to plan. Dumbledore was confused, why his well planned plans are not going as it should.

Harry and Ophelia Potter should have been friends with Ron and Hermione. Instead they became friends with Adrian, Sophia, Timothee and Clara.

Sirius Black was supposed to be locked in Azkaban, but instead he was free, and had regained his position as Lord Black. The Potters were supposed to be asleep but instead they are healthy.

The longbottoms were supposed to support him but instead they vote neutral.

And now The Potters are demanding the right of the Twins, and he knows that he can't say no, otherwise the people are going to question him.

So he decided that he needed to talk to the twins. He called them to his office.

They arrived minutes later with McGonagall. "Professor you wished to see us?" Ophelia asked.

"Ah... You see dear child, I have seen that you are good friends with Mr. and Ms. Elements and Mr. and Ms. Blanc"

"Yes, we are good friends of them" Harry answered.

"Well, then why don't you give Ron and Hermione a chance as well?"

"I am sorry, if this sounds blunt and rude, but we don't like Ron as our company, he talked bad about us and our friends behind our back, something I won't tolerate, and I value people who are loyal, and, kind. And Mr. Ronald Weasely is none of those." Ophelia said.

Dumbledore was left stunned at Ophelia's words, he tried to enter their minds, but a strong force keeps him at bay." I see well you can go back now" Dumbledore finally said.

"And Mr. and Ms. Potter, your grandparents want you both at their place" Dumbledore added.

They nodded, and left his office. When they entered the common room they saw that most of them had gone to sleep, only their friends were there. Ophelia almost fainted in Sophia, and Clara's arms, as it took her a great deal of her magic, and energy to push him out of her mind.

Timothee stabled his Soul sister Ophelia, as she almost fell over, and helped her walk towards the sofa in front of the fireplace. As Adrian helped Harry. All of them were concerned for, two of their members.

"What happened?" Sophia asked with a frown. "Dumbledore tried to enter our mind, more specifically Lia's" Harry said.

"Ugh.... That Dumbfuck, I just wanna kill him right now" Adrian said, as the others nodded in agreement.

"Anyway lets go to bed, tomorrow we are going back home." Timothee said. The boys went to the dormitories as the girls stayed. "So do we have any thing to talk about?" Clara asked.

"Nope. I wanna sing tho" Ophelia Said. "Me too. But what?" Sophia added. "How about neverland" Ophelia suggested. "I don't know this neverland"

"Please Soph. Please"


"Whenever I was frightened or ever felt alone
I turned to the night sky at a star I call my own
Somewhere I could run to, just across the Milky Way
If you like, I could take you
It's just a lightyear and a day

We can sail away tonight on a sea of pure moonlight
We can navigate the stars to bring us back home
In a place so far away
We'll be young, that's how we'll stay
Every wish is our command
When we find ourselves in Never, Neverland

Through all my make believe, there's some reality
In your reflection there's much more than you see, yeah!
All that you hope for, you hope for today
It's the love someone gives you in an unconditional way

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