f o r t y t h r e e

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The rest of the dinner went without any hitches. We got dessert, I ordered us a basic cheesecake, but it was amazing. We both drank multiple glasses of wine. I was super tipsy whereas it hadn't seemed to affect Buggy whatsoever.

Afterwards, Buggy paid and tipped the servers generously. They looked almost fearful to accept it. Perhaps they were unsure if it was some sort of trick.

When we got out into the streets, darkness had settled. The town looked so different when it was nighttime. It had this gothic look to it that I hasn't noticed before. It was gorgeous.

There weren't many lights around, which was good because It meant the stars were super visible. Staring up at them, I thought about how my family might be looking at the stars, too.

Jean loved star gazing. It was a comforting thought that we might be looking at the same stars.

"You're cold," Buggy said suddenly, snapping me right out of my thoughts. Without waiting for a response, he put his jacket around me.

I always felt bad taking his jacket. "I literally bought a jacket today so I wouldn't steal yours."

"Technically," He lulled out, tilting his head playfully to the side. "I bought your jacket today."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. "Semantics."

"Big word for a girl like you."

"Girl like me?" I questioned, putting my hands on my hips. "Meaning?"

He stopped suddenly, seeming to realise the implications of what he had just said to me. A part of him seemed to look down on me. The town I was from was poor, sure, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.

"Forget I said that."

"No -"

"Yes," He said in a commanding voice. "After all, I've been really nice to you today."

"You have," I agreed. "But you've also been super rude."

"I'm a pirate, Bets. Being rude is the least harmful thing I can do."

I decided to drop it. Tonight was nice, I didn't want to ruin it by starting an argument.

"You've been nice to everyone today. I appreciate it. It makes me feel better that we haven't destroyed this town at all."

"Yet!" He cheered, clearly joking. "I know you feel bad when I hurt people."

"The fact that you don't is concerning."

"It's what happens when you're raised like I am. Empathy isn't something valuable to vampires. It has no benefit for us."

I shrugged. "I disagree."

"I know you do. That's what I lov- like about you."

His face blushed red at that, as did mine. Part of me wanted to ask him to elaborate on what he had just said but I decided to leave it.

"We're like polar opposites."

He just nodded at that and we continued to walk towards our hotel. I didn't want this walk to end. I was enjoying so much talking to him like this.

He was so likeable like this. I forgot he was even a bad guy when he was this soft and sweet. If he could be like this all of the time, he'd be perfect.

It was also nice to walk down the streets like this because nobody stared at us. Hanging out with Buggy when there was people around, I really sympathised with him.

Everyone stared. People pointed. People made jokes and laughed behind his back. The number of times I heard people whisper the word nose as he walked by was uncountable.

But he never seemed to let it phase him. He never reacted. I guess he was just used to it.

We were back at the hotel now. The lady at the front desk gave us a small smile as we walked past. It must be weird for her. Having such an infamous pirate be so calm and non-violent.

When we got back to our room, Buggy flopped down on the bed. His eyes were firmly shut, meaning I could have a good look at him and he wouldn't be able to see me do it.

He was so beautiful... stop it, Betty!

Buggy opened one eye. "Are you just going to stand there?"

"Oh... no," I said awkwardly. I scooped up my pyjamas and went into the bathroom to get changed.

My head spun slightly from the alcohol I had tonight. I wasn't drunk - just tipsy. But I wasn't used to dealing with alcohol yet.

When I got out of the bathroom, Buggy was still on the bed. I decided to just lay down beside him, with a couple of inches separating us.

His head tilted to the side, to face me. "Your pyjamas are cute."

They were, he was right. They were a light baby pink colour, with little red love hearts all over them. They were super fluffy, too. Which is why I bought them. The ship could get pretty cold, even with Buggy sleeping next to me.

"Thank you. You did help pick them out."

"Well, I have good taste."

"You most certainly do," I replied, smiling to myself.

His head dropped to the side, so that our eyes could meet. His eyes never failed to make me feel weak. They were green in a way that you never saw. They glowed - you could see them a mile off.

I studied his face as if I'd never see it again. I wanted to memorise every single little line, scar, or feature that it had. He was just so beautiful. All I wanted to do in that moment was kiss him.

"You look so serious," He whispered suddenly, his voice rugged and deep. "What are you thinking, Boop?"


How do I answer that? I would sound insane if I told him I just liked looking at him.


I closed the distance between us. I just couldn't stop myself. Part of me wanted to blame it on the alcohol, say that it was making me act differently. But that wasn't true. I had been desperate to kiss him for a while now.

Even if it made me feel like a bad person, I didn't care. His lips were so soft, so warm against mine.

That warmth only lasted for half a second because Buggy pulled back from me. I stared at him in confusion.


"You told me that you didn't want our relationship to be like that," He reminded me. "You made it clear you wanted us to just be friends."

"I've changed my mind."

"You change your mind like the weather. Sure, tonight you want to kiss me but by the morning you'll be wracked by guilt and want us to just be friends again."

He was right. We both knew that. It didn't make it hurt less, though. I knew he was rejecting me because I had specifically asked him to, but it hurt as much as a normal rejection did.

"You're right," I finally managed to say, weakly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -"

"It's okay. How about we just go to bed and forget it ever happened?"

I wanted so much to say no to that. To beg him to let me change my mind, even if just for tonight. But I knew that wasn't fair. I was playing with his emotion changing my mind so much.

So, I just agreed, and we went to bed in silence.


hello! i am so sorry for the big gap in uploads, things have just been crazy! i hope the chapter was worth the wait and i hope to get the next one out within a couple of days!

also how was everyone's Halloween? I had literally the funnest halloween I've ever had! i hope everyone else had fun too!

reads: 83k (which is unbelievable! thank you all so much!!!)
published on 3rd November 2023

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