Part 3: idk what to name this

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Possible |TW|: su!c!dal thoughts, s€lf h@rm

Chester POV:
C: "Well basically-" I had to stop and think, if I tell Parker about my troubles it's just going to be more burden in his life. I don't want that. What if he will get mad at me for telling him?
C: "I'm sorry" I said quietly and went out of the house, I need some fresh air.

Parker POV:
Chester started talking, but then- he zoned out? Before I could say anything I could hear him say "I'm sorry" sorry for what?
I wanted to ask him that, but he practically ran out of the house, I tried to run after him but there was no sign of him.
I tried calling him, many times. Not a single call was picked up, I sent him a bunch of messages, he read them, but no answer.


Hey Chester, you okay?

Where are you?

When will you be back?

Please, answer?

Chester, what's going on?

Chester POV:
I didn't mean to scare Parker, I feel bad. I gotta get home. He seems so worried, but if I come back he'll be mad. I just ruined my best/only real friendship. I shouldn't even be alive. I'll just go home, and see how it goes

Time skip to when Chester gets home

It's been 1,5 hours, Parker has called me like 100 times. I feel really bad. Well, might aswell come in now.

Parker POV:
"I'm so worried it's already been an hour and a half. I hope Ches is ok" just as I said that I heard the front door open. I jumped out of my bed to see who it was.
It was Chester, he was looking down at the floor with his sunglasses and a hood on, he looked even worse than before.
I tried talking to him but he just locked himself in the bathroom, I decided to just wait.

Chester POV:
"I feel like shit" I thought. I didn't even say hi to Parker, he must have been worried, or mad. Probably mad. "Im such a shitty friend, aren't I?" I heard a knock on the door
P: "Chester, could you please let me in"
I was too ashamed of myself to even answer.
There's these voices in my head telling me how worthless and disgusting I am. I haven't felt like this since high school.
Why now? I thought looking over to the bathroom counter, seeing a razor blade.
I took the blade, rolled my sleeve up, I took a second to think, should I? I deserve it. I cut 7 lines on my wrist, I watched the blood
dripping, it just that made me- feel something.
I heard Parker knocking on the door, again.
I panicked, quickly put the blade in my pocket and washed off my wrist, ignoring the pain. I rolled down my sleeve and opened the door.

Parker POV:
I tried knocking on the bathroom door, no answer.
After about 20 minutes, I tried again, this time Chester opened the door, he looked off, I just didn't know how.
P: "is everything alright?" I asked, knowing that the answer was no.
C: "I'm sorry for leaving like that" Chester mumbled and went to his room.
P: "Can I come in?"
C: "Sure, I guess"
I went into Chester's room and sat next to him.
P: "wanna watch a movie?" I said joyfully
C: "Sure, just not any horror stuff"
P: "I know how you feel about horrors, dude" I chuckled
P: "I'm gonna go to the store and grab some snacks, wanna come along?" I asked Chester, hoping he says yes.
C: "Yeah" Chester answered with a little smile forming in his face, it was so cute- What?! What am I thinking?! I'm straight! Chester's straight! I don't love him! He doesn't love me!

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