Enemies to lovers - Aj 🔞

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Warning: Sexual Content
(Blessing POV)

I was about to over to Niko's for a bit because i honestly had nothing else to do right now, so why not show up to my best friend's house uninvited.

Me and Niko have been friends since he dropped uni. I was always there with him and he was like the older brother that i never had.

He had his channel and i had mine though both of us are completely different. He's more outgoing and could literally do anything you dare him to. However, i do GRWMs, vlogs and i am a gamer sometimes. See, completely different.

But he's still the best person i know and i'm so lucky to be his best friend. He has introduced me to his friends before and they are so nice. Well, mostly everyone. There is one that gets on my nerves.


He has never liked me and thought i was a clout chaser and Niko should stay away from me. I never understood why he hated me so much since i don't have an agenda against him, but that's not even the worst thing about this.

I have the biggest crush on him. And what gets on my nerves is that he will never like me back, so why would i waste my time and energy on someone who doesn't give two fucks about you?

Well, Aj is different. Yes, he might the shortest out of everyone, but at least he's taller than me. And have you seen this man's looks in real life?

He is one of the finest human beings ever. Every time he looks over at me, i get butterflies. But then, he would give me and dirty look and look away.

I wish it wasn't like this. I wish he knew how much i really care about him and how much i really like him.

Anyways, i pull up to Niko's house and knock on the door.

(Aj POV)

I was home alone just thinking about a new video idea for my channel, when someone knocks at the door. I open it and i see her.


As much as i would hate to admit it but i don't, i really, really, really like her. i mean, really. She might think that i hate her guts, but that's just to cover up the fact that i have feelings for her.

She's Niko's best friend and i wouldn't wanna be a burden so i cover up my feelings for her with hatred even though i don't mean it. If i could talk about how much i really like her, we would be here for ages.

I roll my eyes at the sight of her even though i don't mean it.

"Blessing, what do you want? I'm kinda in the middle of something."

"Sure doesn't look like you're doing "something"." she says, putting air quotes around something.

"Anyways, is Niko here? i wanna see him."

"No he's not. I guess you can wait here if you want." I say trying to be nice.

"Yeah, sure. Just don't be annoying." she says, as she walks into the house. I chuckled at her sentence.

"Me, annoying? You're the one who's annoying."

"How, Aj? How am i the annoying one? The only thing that i have tried to do is become friends with you and you just push me away and say things like how i shouldn't be around you. So please explain, how i'm the annoying one." She says, rolling her eyes and sitting on the sofa.

I think about her words. Have i really done that to her? Maybe, i should apologise to her.

"You're right." i say, closing the door and go and sit onto the sofa.

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