Founder's day

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It founders day at last as Lyrica was tighting her corset as her skirt reaches all the way to the ground as then puts a dark purple Victorian dress she owed back in 1864 with a sash around the waist. She curled her hair before out it in an elegant bone with a curl bang on the side as she slips her shoes on"Achilles come on we don't want to be late"she says as she picks up the Bottom of her dress walking out the room and down the stairs.

"So how do I look"Achilles asked as she turns seeing him a suit styled from 1864 as she smiles "you look lovely"she says the two shared a kiss they were going to meet Anna and Jeremy later.

The town of mystic falls was shown thriving with people as they smile and chat Achilles and Lyrica walk arm and arm to school "Lyrica"she hears turning to see Elena as she blinks she looked just like catching in the yellow  and green Victorian dress with her hair down with curls pinned she then remembers she was mad at Elena for what she did to Jeremy.

Elena walks over "hey I was wondering if you could talk to Jeremy he won't talk to me"she says holding the bottom of her skirt.

"That you had Damon erase his memory the night that Vicky died by Stefan "she says firmly as Elenas eyes widen before realizing Jeremy must have already told her"I'm disappointed you would take some nice memories like that but I will always be there for you just let him calm down enough it might take a look but eventually y'all talk again"she says with a soft smile before they walk away leaving Elena there in her thoughts.

The students and towns people were dressed and getting there floats ready for the founders Day parade. The founders parade was starting as the band marches playing music"let's get a big hand to the mystic falls high School marching band"carol Forbes says as the crowd cheers.

"And for a little local history... Mr saltzman students have recreated Virginia's Battle of Willow Creek"carol says as a float was shown with a replica of the old fells church with the floating decorated with very design details as some of the students dressed up as soldiers as Tyler fakes shooting Jeremy who falls against the church with a smile as they wave to the cheering Crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome... Are stunning Miss mystic falls Court and their handsome escorts"Carol says as a float Caroline, Bonnie and Lyrica worked hard on was shown with a red float with white arch way around the whole flat designs with beautiful roses as Lyrica and Achilles wave to the crowd smiling as Elena and Caroline do with there dates as a truck pulls the float."this is Carolyn Forbes Miss mystic falls aren't they beautiful"Carol says as people continue to clap and cheer.

Lyrica then sees Damon waving at Elena before he talks to Bonnie who walks away with a glare making her suspicious.

It was soon later on during the day after the parade as founders day was still happening. Lyrica had changed into a blue skirt with a black tank top and her tennis shoes letting her hair down as it was curly Achilles had changed into a pair of jeans and a grey t shirt with his boats as they walk around the founders day festival in the middle of town while John was planning to use the device tonight.

Anna was looking for Lyrica before running over"Lyrica there here the tomb vampires they're planning the attack on the founding families and John Gilbert plans to use the device tonight he was talking to mayor Lockwood"she says breathing heavily Lyrica shares a glare with Achilles it was time to end this before she turns to Anna"find Jeremy but don't let him out of your sight "she says as Anna nods before speeding away to find Jeremy.

Lyrica was walking around looking for John until she saw Damon and handling Jeremy as she stomps over withe a glare grabbing his arm making the vampire groan"let him go or I will rip your arm off like I did to isobel"she threatened with cold eyes as Damon glares letting go of Jeremy before stomping away.

She then turns to jer with soft eyes"are you ok"she asked as he shake shis head with tears before she pulls him in a hug.

It was soon dark as beautiful lights light up the town square as Lyrica watches as everyone waited for the count down celebration before mayor Lockwood walks up to the stage "for 150 years... Stick falls has been the kind of town that everybody wants to call home safe, prosperous, welcoming. And we have the founders to think for that"he says as people clap and cheer as tomb vampires watch from different angels."that's why I'd like to dedicate this evening's fireworks display to their legacy enjoy the show"he says as everyone cheers and claps before soon the fire show was Happening.

Lyrica was looking around before she heard this frequency due to her superhering as she groans holding her ears bending over but she wasn't the only one the tomb vampires fall one by one, Anna who was with Jeremy cry's holding her ears with pain, Damon who was confronting John falls to his knees holding his head in pain, stefan was walking with Elena before the same thing happened to him.

Two officers approached Lyrica injecting her with verain but it has no effect on her as she was stumbling as they bring her somewhere before she passed out.

Lyrica wakes with a groan smelling fire as her blurry vision can see a reddish orange glow as she turns to her side as her vision clears"no"she whispered seeing Anna with a stake in her heart.

She pushed her self up as she quickly was regaing her strength as fire was everywhere she sees Damon and a dead mayor Lockwood with a vampire on fire. She makes her way over as she helps him step up as Damon looks at her in shock "don't get use to it"she says before speeding through the flames up the stairs.

A door burst open as Bonnie, Elena and Stefan watched wide eyed as Lyrica speeds out with Damon before dropping him on to the groan as he moans in pain before Stefan rushed over to his brother. Lyrica feels guilt come off Bonnie before putting the pieces together she didn't disable the device like Elena told her before shaking her head and disappearing as she appears behind a worry Achilles by the grill"Achilles"she says making him whirl around.

"Oh my goodness warrior your alright "he says pulling her into a hug before they share a passionate kiss in unaware of some of her friends getting in a reck and a familiar vampire they haven't seen in a long time.

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