The turning point

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Two pairs of eyes are seen in the shadows as they watch Jenna and newly formed logan.with Logan now as a vampire every thing about his is heightened the two shadows share a look before slipping away into the darkness back to there master.

Lyrica can be seen sitting on how how couch as she reads one of the many books she's collected over the years. while Achilles was training in a room she built just for him.soon she looks up just as two of her shadows glide in coming to a stop right in front of her."well"she ask them as she saves the spot in her book as she sits it down beside her.they give her all the information they had making her raise a eye brow "so not only do we have a newly turned vampire but someone unknown who turned his is lurking around somewhere."she sums it all up before ordering them to go back to there post.

She gets up and heads to where Achilles is who at the moment was training with his sword that he fought many ancient battles with."it seems as if there is more vampires in town one of them is a newly turned Logan fell"she explained to her soul mate before look upon each other as they share a look with one another before she bends over in pain again feeling another innocent dieing as she grits her teeth.

Achilles runs over helping her raise back up as a glare rest on Lyrica's face"he will get a most painful death with all the innocent blood he has spilled"she declared as they both share a look of understanding with one another.

The next morning multiple things happen at the Gilbert house Jeremy was reading one of his ancestors Jonathan Gilbert's journal from the 1860's he was suppose to do a report about his ancestors so he looked through every journal and everything in a box from his ancestors time but also reconnecting with some of his old talents and hobbies.not notice he was being silent watched by Elena who informed there aunt who both agreed not to say anything.on top of that she was having her own little problems right now with Stefan.Then at the Salvatore house the brothers were deciding on who goes where splitting paths before liz came to Damon about a new vampire in town.

At the school many students were putting up banners about career night at the school as many other students are seen walking around.elena and Bonnie are seen at there lockers after walking through the entryway of the hall way. as they watch Matt and Caroline walking together down one of the crowded hallways.neither one of them noticeing Lyrica walking up to them before they jump hearing her voice "what's up my girls"she says as she throws her arms around there shoulders while wearing a dark purple tank top with a jean jacket that ends mid waist as she wears black ripped jeans an knee link boots.

They don't answer her they just point to where mat and Caroline are.lyrica looks to where they are pointing as she raised an eyebrow when did that happen she thought as she sound out of there conversation when all the sudden a banner fell in front of them making her look confused.elena grab the banner as she read the words before looking at Bonnie "did you just"she ask cause it was a coincidence they just fell in front of them with what they were talking about but Bonnie denies it saying that she didn't before Elena huffs as she moves the banner out of her way as she walks away from her two best friends as they silently follow her.

Many things happened that afternoon Stefan accusing Damon but it is found that there is a new vampire in town. Elena and Stefan had a talk on one of the schools picnic tables as he explains her about why they still couldn't be together.and Damon using Caroline to use the compass as she is stating outside a warehouse as a compass style ticks in the direction of it. It was where the new vampire was hiding.

While Damon delt with that only to be shot by Logan fell who was hiding in the shadows he was wanting to know how they could walk there in the day.

Now it was night time and the career night started as many students and parents are busting around the school hallways looking at many stands.lyrica is seen walking with Achilles who had an arm wrapped around her shoulders as they pass by many stands before her hearing catches the voice of Logan fell before she tugs Achilles arm making them halt as they share a look before heading to where she can hear his voice coming from before she  saw him and Stefan talk but Logan's back was facing her.

It turns out he was persistent on how to walk during the day as he was threatening Stefan by killing many more innocents her anger builds before masking her anger as they walk over "is there a problem here Stefan"she ask in cold voice as they turn to see her behind them with Achilles as the two vampires tense as the power and fury coming off them in waves.but Logan being him cocky self"no not as long as I get what I want but if I don't more blood will be spilled"he threatened getting to close to Lyrica making both man tense knowing that he's crossing a line.

All of sudden time freezes but the four of them were in untouched as they look around before all of sudden Logan let's out a scream of agony as Achilles and Stefan whip there head around to see Lyrica eyes glowing purple as her arm was elbow deep as her hand clutched his heart as it glows with black flames causing black blood to oose out of his eyes,mouth,ears and nose. To say she was pissed was an understatement before Achilles,her and Logan disappear as everything unfreezes as Stefan looks around not seeing them anywhere until he was confronted by Elena.

Somewhere on a deserted road Logan was thrown harshly as he tumbles gasping as he gets on his knees.lyrica eyes then changed to multiple colors as her eyes glows as she raised her hand up in the air all of sudden the winds start to howl as thy grew stronger as the trees around them move around storm clouds start to form as thunder and lightning spread against the sky. Soon she is slowly levitating of the ground as she,God's,and goddess of all work as one for this vamp had taken to many innocent blood and it angered them greatly.while this was going on Stefan and Damon and speed into the area but with widened eyes as they feel the so much power around them.

"Logan fell you are here by condemned to damnation for all eternity in the firey deaths hell my father's Hades and Lucifer's domains!"she shouts as she brings her hands together as a blinding light shouts through nobody could see the only thing that can be heard is Logan's screams as he is being disintegrated from inside and out before everything fades away slowly.soon the Salvatore's we're able to see but there eyes widen more at the remains of Logan as the ashes are still burning with blue flames.

They both jump when Lyrica addresses them"I know your there Stefan and Damon let this be an example on what happens when someone takes the life of innocence so it is wise to heed my warning"she threatened you could hear the coldness in her voice before she and Achilles disappeared in two cyclones of wind before they reappear back at the school just in time to see mayor Lockwood trying to force Tyler and Jeremy to fight.

They both share a look before Lyrica calls out cause the four males to jump"now I know your not making these two boys fight mayor Lockwood"causing them to whirl around not having heard them approach.

"No man me and my son were just leaving"mayor Lockwood says stiffly as he could feel the power come off of them as the other three look confused on by his change of attitude before mayor and his son walk away.

Lyrica and Achilles then decided that they would go home for the night as they left Jeremy and Mr saltsmen  gaping at what just happened before everything goes black.

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