𝔄𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔱𝔶 3

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'i almost fell in love with you after the clu-'

Mi barely hear mi alarm. Mi haffi put one low one suh Jeremy nuh wake up. Mi stretch and turn off di alarm. 6:00am a shine bright pon mi fone screen god mi wish mi coulda sleep fi some more but school start 8:20 well.... Class start 8:20 and school start 8:00.

Mi hurry up and get up since mi did busy last night mi neva get fi press Jeremy uniform suh mi go tek it off a di line pon di verandah.

As mi reach di verandah mi see mi mada work shoes. "Oh shi reach home." Mi seh but mi a look fi har car and nuh seet. Dat mean seh a one a har man dem carry har home.

Mi not even a tink bout dat much enough as long as shi mek sure mi get mi lunch money. Mi tek out di ironing board and put it inna di living room. Afta mi done iron him shirt di iron tun off.

But a weh di- den uncle Paul neva seh him fix dis???


When di iron shorts out like dis sometimes it nuh work fi all 2 hour.
Mi not even bother fi wait pon it him pants did alright fi wear it not even look like it wah iron. Next mi go polish mine and fi him shoes. Fi him school start 10:00 suh a mi mada or bredda ago get him ready fi school.

Wen a 6:30 mi fix up and sweep di verandah cause it look like mi uncle and him fren dem did a ramp round yesterday. Mi tek up mi lunch money offa di table inna kitchen.

Afta dat mi tek out some a di dumpling dem a cut dem up and fry dem because overnight dumpling a di best. Wen mi done mi warm up di ackee and saltfish and put on some water fi likkle mint tea.

Mi nuh eat like dis every day but trust mi wen mi can, mi will.

Afta mi done chow dung breakfast mi decide seh mi ago gwan scroll pon Tiktok and text leona. Nothing special nuh happen, wi just decide seh wi ago meet up at di cafe pon school road.

Afta mi done text har and scroll pon Tiktok. Mi realize seh a 7:10. Mi blood seed!

Mi hurry up and go tek out mi uniform and undergarments and put dem pon mi bed. Den mi go bathe.

Afta mi  done bathe mi put on mi uniform and spray on mi perfume. Mi hair did inna twist suh mi neva have fi dweet. Mi grab mi bag and fone, lock di grill and leave out.

Wen mi reach pon di main road a bay taxi pass. As mi fi cross di road fi fan dung one taxi  mi see one bus a come. Wen it stop a mi foot mi see seh it pack and a only di likkle front seat empty. As soon as mi step inna di bus it move off suh mi haffi manoeuvre miself fi siddung. As mi reach  up a di front di girl inna di other seat prawl out and nuh wah move har foot.

"Excuse me? Yuh can move yuh foot please." Mi ask har nicely. Di gal just look pon mi and turn har head to di window.

Yuh know weh mi do? I don't mek dat bother mi. Mi mek sure tep hard pon har foot hard enough weh mi tink it coulda bruk and siddung cause mi nah mek nuh gal draw mi put.

Di gal tun round inna shock cause shi probably neva expect mi fi do dat. "Yah go bruk mi foot?" Mi not even look pon har and use mi fone as one mirror fi put on mi lip gloss.

"Yuh nuh hear mi?" Dada dee Dada dada

"Likkle gal yuh nuh see yuh nearly bruk mi foot" yuh know wah-

"Dem young gal nowadays dem love pick pon di likkle school pickney. Lowe di pickney man ano like shi a tek yuh man." One lady seh from round a back.

"Lady yuh nuh see seh nearly bruk mi foot" shi tun to di oman.

"Den wah mek yuh skin out inna di ppl dem bus suh fah? A yuh man or daddy?"

"Because mi a pay mi fucking $150" shi shout offa di oman.

𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚- A Jamaican Love Story Where stories live. Discover now