I move to the glass case that keeps this treasure safe; it's an older edition that has been within these walls for decades. Mr. Walters originally got the book from a family member who had bought an English edition of the book. It's one of the first editions of the story. Opening the case carefully I replace the book, opening it to a new page. A tradition I have carried on from Mr. Walters. He loved to show off the book and all that it's worth, showing a new page for patrons to read. There have been so many times where someone has asked to purchase a copy because of the tale that has been showcased.
"You still continue that old tradition?" I stare at the beginning of The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs, another favorite of mine. I offer Dominic a silent nod as I inspect the worn pages.
"Yes, I enjoy featuring the tales as your grandfather did; it makes people interested in the old tales. Are you going to stay longer?" With a sigh I close the case and lock it with the small metal key that had been given to me years ago. I'd beg Mr. Walters to open the case to let me hold it and read from it. One day he got tired and handed me the key; made me promise to only open the case when no one was in the store, to keep it safe.
"Not too much longer, business still calls for my attention. Are you headed out?" I turn and stare at his reclined form, I've gotten used to him coming in after the store has closed. Most of the time he sits quietly, admiring the shop, that's what I like to believe he is doing. I'm sure he, much like myself, enjoys the peaceful reprieve the quaint store offers from a busy day.
"Yeah, it's a long walk home. I've already finished for the day; you're welcome to stay longer if you'd like." Dominic never comes during hours the store is open; on the rare occasion I'll come in and he's already sat quietly, staring at the wall. It's strange, but who am I to judge? I'm a girl so entranced with books I'm picky about the bookcases; I doubt you can be any more strange than I am.
"I'll only be a few minutes; take care of what you need to, I'll leave when you do." I nod and adjust the jumper again. His eyes focused on the movement, following the way my hand adjusted the fabric. I should look into a new jumper, it's time that I splurge for a few newer articles of clothing. Most of my jeans have been stitched together once or twice; between the knees and thighs, I'm hard on pants.
I walk past him and head back into the storage room; I don't want to go home to the cold apartment. But it's not like I can set up here, not safely anyway. I shake the thought from my head and turn the lights on, they flicker to life. The yellow glow makes me wince, I need to change the bulbs before they give out, if the dull glow is any indication, it won't be too much longer. I kick my slippers off and slide on the black vans that Mr. Walters gave me as a present for Christmas. He was such a thoughtful man; after I became a ward of the state I practically lived here.
It was better than spending my free time at the foster or state homes. I know for most I was just a check that was to be collected, a few of the families were lovely people, most weren't. Mr. Walters offered me a job when I was sixteen, saved me from a few horrible situations, kept me from some horrible situations. He'd cover for me when one of the families would call to see where I was, he'd tell them I was working late because of a shipment. I can't count how many times he's covered for me, even saved me from a beating.
The memory slips from my mind as I grab my coat, pulling it out I remove the loose knitted beanie and gloves from my pockets before I grab my backpack. I never did finish my school work for the day, another chore to add to the list tonight. I regret not taking a gap year from high school to head into college. My eagerness to learn is seriously burning me; not only am I majoring in Information Technology for a BA, I've also undertaken a double minor in Linguistics and Literature. It's a lot of work; when I was deciding I couldn't choose one minor so I picked two minors; I'm regretting it.

Devil's Oasis
RomanceEmbry Noelle, a college student taking on the world, tragedy struck her young after her parents' abandonment. Years of hard work led her to be the proud owner of an antique book store. While to most, it's a waste of time, but for her, an avid book...