I hate my head. I spent the night tossing and turning, finally I gave up and headed into work early. It's not like I was going to get to sleep anytime soon. Endless thoughts kept racing through my mind. I don't need to see that stupid envelope- I don't need their help. While the money would help- take off almost all of my current stresses. From the store and remodeling- to school. Even a solid fund to continue the store, even pursue book restoration. To get older artifacts and renew them...
The thought has stuck with me all night- I despise it. I don't want to be bought by them- even if they are dead, it's still their money, their property, estates. Accepting that is like forgiving them. I can't- won't forgive them, the thought makes my stomach curdle as pain blossoms in my throat from the feeling of dry heaving. Why did they have to leave it to me? Couldn't they have given it to charity or some other fancy friend they had?
One part of me is sick and wants to know how they died, a small part of me hopes that it hurt them. The other part is just happy to know I'll never have to see them again. The thoughts of betrayal have yet to leave my head as I unlock the store and slip inside surprised by the item perched on the counter. Dominic. Locking the door behind me I stop at the counter and stare at the box of ramen and chocolates.
'You need actual food- stop with the sweets before your teeth rot.' I roll my eyes as a small smile blossoms seeing the caring gesture. If my stomach wasn't in knots I'd be devouring the food. Hot noodles would be so comforting right now. The box of a chocolate orange makes me secretly giddy seeing how much he listens. How much he always listens. I find it ironic he wants me to stop with the sweets as he actively fed my addiction.
Silly man. Collecting the items from the counter I head to the backroom turning on the light- or attempting to turn on the light. It explodes with a loud horrendous sounding sharp crackling. Shards of glass rain down over the floor and my slightly improved mood plummets back to the trenches. Of course.
I can already hear Dominic muttering and growling in my ear about me not changing the light soon enough. 'You never listen, I told you that light needed to be changed.' For as much as he looks out for me, there are times where I want to kick him in the shin. Politely of course. As much as I want to climb up onto a ladder sleep deprived, I can't see into the room well enough to even find the stupid thing.
I guess I'll do that once the sun rises. I set my things down behind the counter, after shutting the door to the backroom. Sitting behind the counter I look around the dark and cold space, with two hours before I'm supposed to be here, it's a bit too early to start setting up. Or turning on lights. My eyes are drawn outside of my door, into the darkness of the silent streets. The street lights outside of my store finally shone there last night.
Shame, even if I report it it'll be months before they are replaced. At this rate I don't see the sense in filing the report, it's a headache and a half. Maybe Dominic will notice and raise a fuss and get it done immediately. The thought has me snorting, I'm sure Dominic has seen it out already and will have someone here within the week to have it fixed. His threats are just stares and still feel as if he'll reap your soul.
My phone starts to vibrate the screen blinding my eyes in the darkness of the shop. Unknown? I glance at the time in disbelief before going back to the unknown number. It's barely three in the morning, just because I'm an insomniac, doesn't mean you get to call at this ungodly hour. I silence the call and turn my phone over to continue sitting in silence. Should I get my pen light out... No, that'll just get the cops called on myself.
My phone vibrates against the glass loudly making me stare at the device as it rattles the glass, illuminating the front desk. Good grief, can you leave me alone? I end the call and place my phone down as a chill stabs down my spine. Glancing around nervously I peer outside, unable to see anything but shadows. Who's dumb enough to be up this early besides myself? I could laugh at the thought even as I got up to move away from the front door.

Devil's Oasis
RomanceEmbry Noelle, a college student taking on the world, tragedy struck her young after her parents' abandonment. Years of hard work led her to be the proud owner of an antique book store. While to most, it's a waste of time, but for her, an avid book...