#2 - Blue Lock's Entrance Test

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We traveled towards our training ground facility via bus. Upon arriving, when we left the bus our phones and wallets got confiscated

Anri: Next, Raiden Kurogane.

She handed me a uniform with a certain letter and numbers

Raiden: ( 300, Z...)

Anri: Now then, please head to the room indicated by your uniform's letter. Change into your uniform and then standby.

Raiden: Got it, thanks.

I entered the facility as i was told. I've walk into a maze of concrete walls until i found Room Z.

Raiden: (This must be it.)

The door opens and now it reveals there are 11 people inside this room, if i include my self we would be 12.

People inside were throwing gazez at me and i dont know what to do so I'll just mind my own business and change my uniform.

After 15 mins has passed, Ego appeared on the huge screen TV.

Ego: Are you done changing? You lumps of talent...

Raiden: ( Hi there.)

Ego: Hi! Hi! The others in your room are your roomates... And your rivals, who will push each other higher. I've used my personal Judgement to quantify your abilities and rank you.

Ego: That's the number displayed on your uniforms. Now anyone can tell a glance where you stand amongst the three-hundred of you.

My eyes widen as they gaze down on their uniform. Bearing the highest number among the players.

Raiden: (Ah, So this is it.. That's why my number is the highest.. It indicates my lowest rank among everyone here.)

I gaze shifts to the other players, their uniform displaying lower numbers representing higher ranks.

Raiden: ( No wonder... I haven't had opportunities to participate in tournaments, to showcase my skills in official soccer games. The circumstances I've faced prevented me from being well-known in Japan.)

I took a deep breath...

Raiden: (But i won't let this define me, Blue Lock is the chance I've been waiting for, This is where i can prove myself, rise above my circumstances, and make a name for myself. Regardless of my rank.)

Raiden: ( I may have started rock bottom, but that's  not where I'll stay. I will make my mark in Blue Lock.)

Ego: That ranking will change by the day and will go up or down depending on training and games. Finally, those in the top five will unconditionally be registered for the U - 20 World Cup happening six months from now.

Raiden:( I will pull my way through!)

Ego: By the way... Those of you who fail Blue Lock will forever lose the right to represent Japan. What you need here is Ego. And so now we'll hold a little entrance test to measure your aptitude. Now... time for some TAG.

Ego: The time limit is one hundred-thirty-six seconds. If you get hit by the ball, You're IT. Whoevers IT when time runs out has to piss off back home.

The ball falls down on the ceiling.

Ego: Also you can't use your hands. Those are the rules.

An IT player icon was displaying on the TV and it looks identical to me.

Raiden: ( I see...  the IT was me because I'm the weakest.

Ego: Even pros will play tag as part of their warm up. But this is an egoism test I've devised in order to ascertain who has the essence of a Striker.

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