Chapter 1

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There it is. Summer is finally here. I've been dreading for this day since so long and I cannot wait for the crazy summer parties to start. Each summer, me and my friends stay together and do the stupidest shit on earth.

Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better circle of friends. Our friend group is constituted of me, Sophie, Ari and Lara. We've known each other since 7th grade and even though most of us are now in different colleges, we're still extremely close and often hang out. We're the type of friend group that will always prioritize each other over boys and that's why our friendships are so strong.

I'm not the dating type of person. I drunk fuck and I don't like getting into serious relationships. I don't exactly know if it's because of me or if I just haven't met the right person, but it doesn't really matter. I just wanna have fun and enjoy myself without having a significant other to worry about all the damn time.

It's only the first day of summer and me and my friends are already on FaceTime, talking and making plans together for the day.

"Oh my god! We should do that one TikTok trend with the picnic baskets, who's down?!" yelled Sophie, my best friend, through her phone.

"I can't, sorry guys. I'm going to my brother's soccer game tonight. It's their first game of the season and I've heard there are going to be so many people there. Y'all should definitely come instead ." I answered.

"You're fucking kidding Mari! I'm so jealous you're getting to see all the hot men from your brother's team. Ughhhh, I would come but soccer bores the shit out of me! Send us pictures of the cute ones, okay?" Ari said, clearly obsessed with soccer boys.

And yep, I'm going to see my older brother's game. Aiden and I are only three years apart. We're really close to each other and he's always been there for me whenever I needed someone. I've always supported him throughout his soccer career and I've been going to his games ever since I was young. Even now, I try to go any time I can. It's the least I can do for him, and I also enjoy watching soccer. It's a win-win. We're actually leaving in a few hours, I can't wait to watch him play, it's been so long.

I can't lie, I'm also excited to see his new teammates, I mean, they're only a few years older and I'm sure a few of them are hot. At least I'll have something to look at if I'm bored.

After a few hours of scrolling through TikTok, I decided to finally get dressed. I put a small blue crop top along with my long baggy jeans, since their jersey colour is blue. I decided not to do my hair and let my wavy blonde hair down. Finally, I ran for my black purse and joined my parents in the car.

"Sorry for the wait guys, I almost forgot my purse!" I told my parents.

"No worries sweetie. Are you guys ready for tonight? I've heard that this is the first game of the season and they're playing against their rivals from last year, this is going to be a good game!" My mom tried to inform us, even though I already read everything she said on Insta this morning.

"Yeah love, the whole town has been talking about it lately." My dad replied, focusing on the road while holding my mom's hand. They're so cute.

My parents have been married for 24 years now. They are still madly in love and they're the type of couples you see on TV. My dad is a business owner, so he often takes my mom on romantic trips all around the world. They're actually leaving tomorrow afternoon, which means that me and my brother are definitely throwing a party at our house. Maybe a few actually.

We stopped for food at an adorable taco restaurant and ate quickly at our table, before heading to the soccer field.

The game hasn't even started yet and the seats are almost full. People are everywhere. Like literally. I can see two people sitting on the toilet rooftop, how did they even manage to get there? The amount of people here is quite understandable, since their team is extremely popular around town. All the university girls are here and the whole university football team is sitting in front of the crowd.

We somehow managed to find seats, although it took us forever to find some. We have a really good view of the field and the sunset is gorgeous. I really don't regret coming here on the first day of summer break, it's such a vibe and it's actually calming, somehow.

The game started and everyone is already cheering for my brother's team. Everyone was talking and socializing with each other, it reminds me how much I love watching soccer games. I started talking to the group of girls next to me, they're my brother's friends so I've talked to them before. They kept talking about how fine 'he' was. I have no idea who they were talking about and I wasn't planning on asking them. They're 3 years older than me and I don't want to interrupt their fan girling, even though it kills me not to know.

The game is almost done. It's currently 8:40pm and they're in overtime. It's tied 2-2 and I have never seen a crowd this hyped. People are yelling every time our team touches the ball.

Suddenly, everyone stood up. Me and my parents followed along and that's when we spotted #8, alone with the ball, visibly about to score. He successfully kicked the ball, top left corner, and managed to score. I started clapping and cheering. Fuck, that was such a good goal, who even is this guy?

All of his teammates, including my brother, jumped on the field to celebrate their win and they were all around #8. I didn't even get to see his face. Whatever, I'll come back next game anyways.

After the majority of the crowd left, me and my parents stayed to congratulate my brother for their win. He's a center field and played really good, as always. I'm sure their team will do good this season, today's game really impressed me.

His coach, just like last year, is giving them a speech. I hate this part, they always take so much time and I have to wait for my brother for so long. At least now he has a driver's license, because a few years ago, we had to wait for him every single game since he had no lift back home. I'm sure me and my parents could leave right now if we wanted to, but we want to see him and congratulate him for his game.

I take this time to go to the bathroom and read my notifications from my phone. I reply to my texts and do my snap backs, before quickly fixing my hair in the mirror.

After washing my hands, I left the bathroom and found my brother walking out of the field. He had changed and had his soccer equipment in his bag. He looked really happy and cheerful. He smiled and nodded his head at me and then looked behind me, searching and focusing on someone. Huh?

"Good game Blake, see you tomorrow." he finally said obviously talking to someone else.

"Thank you, you too. See you." I hear from a deep voice behind me.

I turn around to see which teammate he's talking to, and my eyes settle on the hottest guy I have ever fucking seen in my whole entire life. He's a tall guy, at least 6'3, tanned with tattoos on his left arm. His arms are veiny and he's extremely muscular. His hair is brown, slightly curled and he's still wearing his jersey. He's wearing a small silver chain around his neck that is also veiny. He has plump lips with small diamond studs on his ears. I have never found studs attractive on guys until now. His face is still sweaty from the game and I want to eat it, oh my god. I'm fighting the urge to not press my legs together right now. Wait no. I did not just say that. Before I could even finish my thoughts, his eyes met mine. His eyes are brown and mesmerizing, I just can't stop looking at him.

When we hear my parents coming and shouting my brother's name, our eye contact breaks and we both turn to look at them. That's when I realize I was staring at him and checking him out for the past minute. He for sure thinks I'm a creep.

I turn one last time, instinctively, to see his face, but instead I find him walking back to the parking lot. The only thing I see is his muscular back along with his jersey number.


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