Chapter 3

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I quickly told my brother where I was going. He didn't really mind and was probably busy texting another one of his girls.

''Hey, Aiden, if you plan on inviting some people home just let me know, alright? I want to know if anything is happening at our house.'' He nodded nonchalantly.

After getting ready, I hopped inside the car and put the song ''Hell N Back'' on full volume with my windows down. I had a neon pink triangle bikini, matching perfectly with my blonde hair. I put a crocheted dress to cover myself a little before going to the beach. It was so hot outside which only made me more excited for today. I brought a tote bag with lip balm, obviously, and a huge strawberry basket for my girls.

It took me about 10 minutes to get to Sophie's house to pick her up. She was gorgeous and glowing, as always. Although we've seen each other 3 days ago, it felt like I haven't seen her in forever. She sits on the front seat and we hug each other for a good 15 seconds.

''Are you ready for summer!?'' she yelled in the car.

We caught up and had small talks through the ride. After a good 20 minutes drive, we finally made our way to the beach to meet the other girls, Ari and Lara. It was easy to spot them, since they were already on their backs, tanning. These girls are always tanning, it's basically apart of their personality. Ari and Lara are the same people; they both like and dislike the same things, look like identical twins and are always matching. In fact, they even had matching bikini sets at the moment.

We walked up to them and everyone hugged one another. Sophie and I settled ourselves and we continued talking to everyone. We all clicked with each other so easily, nothing was ever awkward between us. Everyone was just happy and unproblematic all the time. Since our friend group is like that, I feel like we usually don't talk much about our personal problems or how we feel about certain situations. Honestly, I think it's a really good thing, it makes the vibe feel less heavy and it's guaranteed you can just have fun with them.

''Mari, you told us your parents left today, right? So, when's the next party at yours!? I absolutely need to find myself a new cute guy for this summer, my Snapchat guys are getting boring.'' Lara desperately asked me.

''Soon, girls, I promise. I just need to arrange it with Aiden tonight and I'll let you know right after. I might need help organizing and decorating everything, though.''

''Will you please ask Aiden to invite his soccer team? I heard that the new guys in the team are HOT.'' Ari and her obsession with soccer boys is insane. I'm also guilty of that, though, my mind instantly drifting to Blake.

I felt guilty for thinking of him way more than I should. I can't help but wonder what could happen if he came to the parties we were about to throw. If he's in the same room as me and I happen to be drunk, I'm fucked. In both ways.

After long hours of playing volleyball and tanning on the beach, it was starting to get late. The sunset was almost over and we decided to head back home. I invited Sophie to come over and sleep at my house, considering that my parents are not home and we can watch movies as loud as we want.

We drove back home with windows down, once again, while listening to my ''Late Night Drake'' playlist. The warm breeze made me realize that today was the definition of summer. It was amazing, we all had so much fun. Our speakers were blasting summer music and the sun felt so good on my skin. I missed this feeling so much. I want the rest of my summer to be exactly like this. Happy with my girls, I don't need any man to ruin this. I'll always stick to this mindset.

Arrived home, me and Sophie gave a weird look to each other.

''Mari, why are there like, 20 cars outside your house? What the fuck.'' Sophie said, giggling.

The dots connected quickly and I figured that my brother probably, I mean for sure, invited his football team home. What a way to ruin our plans. We did not need 25 soccer players yelling at each other till 3am.

We entered the house, both sunkissed with messy beach hair. The noises were unbearable. So many boys laughing and yelling, just like I imagined it. I was insanely annoyed that my brother hadn't told me about this. He just casually invited 25 of his teammates without letting me know. After all, we're both responsible of this house.

Without thinking, I walked angrily to the living room, finding my brother on the couch. The whole room went silent and I could hear a few comments about me. They were, of course, watching a soccer match on our TV. I could feel gazes on me, making me slightly uncomfortable, but I was still mad at Aiden and had to stand there like I didn't give a fuck.

Before I could look around the room, the announcer on the TV yelled and a player scored. Everyone turned around and their attention was back on the game, some were even cheering. Aiden stood up and walked towards me. He nodded at Sophie who was walking up the stairs, leaving me alone with my brother.

"Are you serious, Aiden? Do you not remember what I told you this morning? We agreed we would let each other know if we invited anyone over! You invited your whole fucking team and they're gonna stay over till 3am. I won't be able to get any sleep at all. I would've stayed at a friend's house if you had texted me."

"Calm down, Mari. It's not that deep. We're just watching the match and they'll leave right after. I'm sorry I didn't let you know but I didn't think you would care that much."

He was right. It wasn't that deep but we're living together and I don't think it's fair that he gets to invite his team without warning me about it.

I sigh and head to the kitchen to take some snacks since we won't be sleeping with all this noise. When I get there, I see that someone is sneaking into our fridge, searching for something. The second I get closer, I immediately recognize the muscular back and the tattooed arms.

I started panicking. I was so pissed at my brother that I forgot about this man. Of course he was gonna be in my house if the whole team was invited. Oh god, what if he saw that I stalked him yesterday and that I accidentally liked one of this posts? He's gonna look at me like I'm his teammate's obsessed sister.

What am I even thinking? This is my house, who cares? Of course I'm gonna be there, why would I hide? I start overthinking everything and I'm even debating if I should just run to my room.

Before I can think of anything else, he closes the fridge with a glass of water in his hands. I walk towards the counter he was next to, pretending as if I hadn't noticed him yet.

I look up and I see his eyes wandering around my body, settling on my tits for longer than he should. My dress didn't cover much and I felt exposed to him. I was slightly intimidated, he was so tall and big compared to me. His familiar eyes met mine and he smirked at me.

"Can I help you?" He said, amused.

"What do you mean "Can I help you?"?! This is my house." I replied with a cold tone. I will not let this man think I'm intimidated by him. I open the cabinets and take out a bag of chips while I open the fridge to find drinks.

"Oh, so you're Aiden's sister. What's your name again? Marianna, right? The one who stalked my Instagram." He laughed.

I could feel my face red. This was the worst thing that could ever happen. I'm so embarrassed. How did he notice so fast? I take my time to find the drinks and to calm down. I turn around.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I reply dryly.

Before I could leave the kitchen, he put his hand on the counter, blocking me from leaving. His other hand found its way to the other side of the counter, completely holding me hostage. Our bodies were so close and we both stared at each other. I got a closer look at him and this man is literally the definition of perfection. His features fit so well together and his eyes are gorgeous. My throat was getting dry and my body couldn't move itself. For a split second, we got lost in each other's eyes.

He smirks, bringing me back to reality. What am I doing? I come back to my senses. This guy is a jerk. A hot one. But still a jerk. I moved my body and he removed his arms from the counter after taking his glass.

I took my snacks and left the kitchen as quickly as I could, still trying to process this interaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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