Hudson x Jibeom

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Being used to the countryside as he had lived there for a good chunk of his life, Jibeom felt out of place in a city. He was only there because of Hudson his boyfriend wanted to show him around his business and crew. Jibeom gulps as he has looked around a lot and is feeling a bit cold as it is dark. 'Maybe I should have wore more proper clothes than what I usually wear.' He thought as he was wearing bright purple and shorts and a black t-shirt. People had been staring at him weirdly as if he had done something wrong when he hadn't. Jibeom frowns as he hears the whispered voices of the city folk insulting him and his sense of fashion.

Once he managed to find the place, Hudson said he would be waiting outside for jibeom, but... he wasn't there. 'Maybe I should wait until he arrives.' Jibeom thought as he stood away from the door so he wasn't blocking the entrance. He tried not to stand out, but it was hard as he was a large man, and bright purple and pink lights were going off in the bar he was standing at. Hudson had arrived along with Jacky and Channing, who stood next to him. When the two noticed Jibeom, they thought he was a threat as he stood tall and looked older than them, especially with that goatee.

"Hey, who do you think you're messing with." Channing and Jacky glared at Jibeom, who looked at the two confused and smiled at them brightly, "Hi Hudson!" Hudson smiled a little and nodded while Channing and Jacky looked between the two in confusion, "Huh?" Not believing that Hudson could have a friend outside from Ansan yet alone one that is an adult. "Jibeom, let's head inside... and I think that we should go to the mall tomorrow to get you better clothing." Hudson says, and his face turns back to its normal frowning face.

Jibeom hums and grins walked into the bar with Hudson while the other two stood outside confused.

"What are we seeing here?" Channing asked Jacky, who shrugs, "Umm, maybe Hudson made a friend when he was with Allied." Jacky answered and watched Jibeom talk Hudson's head and not get a cold glare to shut up. It amazed the two as it seemed that their leader had a soft spot of the friendly giant of a man. "Is our Hudson finally growing out of his shell?" Jacky says dramatically while falling backwards. Channing caught him and hums, "Seems like it." He said as the both of them decided to leave the two love birds alone.

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