Ch 3: I'll comfort you

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"it's because...."

"It's because the prince is gonna arrive soon, and...." Natan said.
"And what?.." Lunox asked.
Natan sighs and "i know you're not gonna like this..but i already agreed on the arrange marriage".
"What?! I-i didn't even agree!" Lunox furiously said.
"Lunox it's for your own good" Natan said.

"B-but..." Lunox said with a voice that looks like she was about to cry.
"No buts! I know what's best for you, brother knows best. I mean our father and mother died after the war between the other kingdoms, so please..." Natan said.
"You don't understand me!" Lunox runs and goes upstairs, Natan sighs "Lunox..."

Selena pov:

Selena was about to knock at Lunox's room, but she heard Lunox crying. So she slowly opened the door " you mind if i ask?" Selena asked.
Lunox was trying to wipe the tears in her face "o-oh, y-yes.." Lunox answered.
"W-why are you crying?" Selena asked.
Lunox nervously laughs "oh, haha don't worry.. i-it's nothing.." Lunox answered.

"Princess you can tell me everything, so what happened?.." Selena asked trying to make Lunox feel better.
"R-really?" Lunox said.
Selena nods "yes Princess!".

"My brother agreed about the arrange marriage between prince Aamon and me. E-even though i didn't agree with it..." Lunox said while wiping the tears in her eyes.
"Princess Lunox, maybe he just wants was best for you. Perhaps he wants someone to take care of you.." Selena said calmly.
Lunox sighs "Maybe.. i'm a bit overreacting. Brother just wants what's best for me."
Selena smiles.

"Selena, thank you for comforting me..." Lunox smiles.
"O-oh...hehe, no problem princess.." Selena said flustered.
"B-but...Selena can you do me a favor" Lunox asked.
"What is it princess" Selena said tilting her head.
"C-can you help me escape tomorrow?" Lunox asked, thinking Selena was gonna refuse.
Selena sighs.."Sure, princess."
"Really?!" Lunox can't believe that Selena agreed so she hugged her.
"Thank you so much!" Lunox said while hugging Selena.
Selena smirks, "you're welcome princess" Selena hugs Lunox back.

Selena's mind:
(Don't worry princess, even though i will help you escape. I need to watch you over because that's my mission as an assassin, that's why prince Natan hired me. So that i can take care of you.)

(To be continued)

Prince In Disguise (Aamon x Natan/ fanfic/Mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now