I Lost Him

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Hope you forgive me for last chapter loooool and for this 😬


POV Adrien:

I didn't like what's happening in my office, Luka was laying on my desk, with Marinette on top of him, fucking her pussy and Kim standing on the edge, fucking her ass

Marinette was looking at me with a smirk on her face, so I locked the door and I just had a seat and watch a threesome happening in my office

All three of them glanced at me, they smirked and then both boys just focus on fucking her, but Marinette start to moan. That smirk still on her lips

I had my arms crossed, I was bored and i know what exactly Marinette is thinking about. Having a threesome in my office

With every moan escaping from her lips, she looks at me but I just answer with a smirk

They keep fucking for another five minutes till they both cum in the condoms. They take them off, tie them and throw them in the trash.

All three of them wear their clothes, and pecked their lips in front of me

All three of them wear their clothes, and pecked their lips in front of me

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#Marinette's outfit

Marinette: it was amazing, I had so much fun. Ill call you maybe we will have fun after school

Luka: yes baby, I need more of your pussy, let's go

Marinette: mhmmm, I have something to say to our math teacher after what he assisted

They both nodded and left my office, leaving the bluenette with me. she locked the door again and walked toward me with a smirk but I just lift my eyes to look at her, my legs and arms are crossed

Marinette: had fun?

Adrien: I don't fucking care about what you do, but find somewhere else to do this dirty shit

Marinette: jealous?

Adrien: of what? Do you think I'm dumb Mari?

I said as I stand up and hold both her wrists. Marinette widen her eyes and begin stepping back but I pinned her against the wall, her hands on each side of her head

Marinette: you aren't the only man who fuck me and give me the pleasure I want

Adrien: can I talk about your fake moans?

Marinette: how fake? I was in heaven

Adrien: pleasure come when your eyes are closed, while moaning their names, while throwing your head back, by asking them to do more, by sweat dripping off your face and your body, by the lust in your eyes. this is pleasure, but the film you made with both was a failure.

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