Man Whore

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POV Marinette:

I was so hurt to find his car there. I thought that Adrien is mine, but once we fight, he goes running to this bitch

I hate the idea that Adrien love Kagami

I'm sure that he is above her, fucking her tight pussy with his dick. that dick should fuck me only but someone is sharing with me that dick

I just want one thing, is barging into her house by breaking a window, then I will just ruin their sex

I sighed and I left this place or ill suffocate. After all the three days suspended are good, I don't want to see anyone's face

While driving back home, my tears were blurring my eyes. I can't believe that Adrien is doing all this shit in just one day for me

He went to have sex with that bitch and also, he confessed his love for her. I'm sure if I overheard more their conversation in the teacher's room, I would hear them maybe fucking, I know they don't have no shame

I stop due to the red light. I rested my head on the steering wheel, that fucking blond haunted my thought

The only thought of him fucking that dirty pussy make me sick

I stopped day dreaming when I heard the horns behind me so I just drive home

I parked my car and I went to the bathroom to take off all my clothes. I got a bubble bath ready then I slipped in

It feels so good to be in the hot water but whenever I close my eyes to relax my muscles, I remember Adrien and Kagami

I really want to send her to the emergency but I know that Adrien will just protect his little puppy like always

What this pest has better than me?

I sink into the water to wet my hair too then I sit up. I had three days vacations from all the fuckfaces there

In the middle of my relaxing session, I got a phone call. Glad that my phone was near the bathtub, so I dried my hands and I got it. it was Luka

Marinette: hi dude, what's going on? Did you find a solution to your problem all ten of you?

Luka: we are going to be screwed up. He gave us just one week

Marinette: I really don't have anything to give you, same as our friends. You didn't have to do all this shit all ten of you

Luka: we can't even talk to our parents, they will disown us easily for the shit we did and now, we are ruined

Marinette: even myself, I don't have all that. you shouldn't all do this shit I swear. I don't know how to help you all. I have no idea. It's not this easy and even myself if I ask my parents for help, they may kick my ass for the coming five years

Luka: can I see you? I'm with Nino now, the rest are really overwhelmed that they went home

Marinette: I can find you tomorrow morning, at 8am, in the coffee shop in front of the school, I can't now, it's night and I really had a rough day

Luka: what happened to you?

Marinette: you will know tomorrow. See ya

Luka: see ya

I hung up and I finished my bath then I dried myself I went to try to sleep. I was rolling right and left on the bed, Adrien is a fucking bastard and I hate him for that

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