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Katherine sighed as she drove down the dark country road, exhausted after a long day at the library. It was well past midnight, and a thick fog had rolled in, obscuring the moonlight. She would be glad to get home and crawl into bed.

Up ahead, a shadowy figure emerged from the mist. Katherine slammed on the brakes but couldn't stop in time. Her car swerved, tires skidding on the wet pavement as she lost control. She jumped when a man suddenly appeared in the passenger seat beside her. 

"Watch out!" he shouted. But it was too late. 

The car plunged off the road, hitting a thick oak tree with a deafening crunch. Katherine's head slammed into the steering wheel, and everything went black.

When she came to, a searing pain shot through her neck. She opened her eyes to see the man from earlier bending low over her, his features obscured in the darkness. Something sharp pierced her skin, sending tingles of agony through her body.

She tried to scream but couldn't make a sound. Her lifeforce was draining away as the man fed on her blood. She thrashed weakly, panic overtaking her as death closed in.

With a gasp, the man pulled back, blood covering his mouth. His eyes, gleaming an inhuman crimson in the dark, focused on Katherine with an expression of horror. "What have I done?" he whispered.

Katherine felt numbness spreading through her limbs as her vision began to fade. As unconsciousness claimed her, she saw the man run a hand through his wavy black hair, streaked with silver in the moonlight. His chiseled features were filled with anguish.

Then everything went black.

Katherine awoke in her bed, pain shooting through her neck. She touched it gingerly, feeling bandages wrapped around the wound. Had it all been a nightmare? No, the memories were too vivid. But how was she alive?

A noise downstairs made her freeze. Slowly, she crept toward her bedroom door, grabbing a baseball bat from the corner. Her hands trembled as she peered down the staircase into the dark foyer below.

"Please, I will not harm you." A smooth voice resonated through the shadows. Katherine gasped as the man from the car emerged into a patch of moonlight streaming through the window.

He was tall and striking, dressed all in black. But his eyes, glowing a merciless crimson, chilled her to the core. This was no man—this was a vampire. Dread seized Katherine's heart as she realized with terrifying certainty that the monster from her nightmares had followed her home.

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