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Katherine woke as sunlight filtered through gauzy curtains, rays dancing across Damon's slumbering form on the couch nearby. His features, so oft drawn in pain, were smoothed in repose, betraying the lonely child within.

She watched him, marveling how far they'd come. Once her nightmare, now her solace, he guarded her dreams with devotion kindled by her small acts of kindness. In those scarlet eyes she glimpsed absolution for centuries of misery.

As the morning brightened, Damon stirred, slipping from dreams of hunting to find Katherine's gentle smile. Good morrow, little dove, he sighed, longing to trace her flushed cheek. But fears of his cursed touch held him back, as did whispers echoing the village beyond - damning their devotion.

That evening, while strolling the foggy lanes, Katherine's friend Emily stopped her with a plea. You must take care, dear Katherine! Strange rumors swirl of dangers in the forest. I fear for your safety alone with that...creature.

Katherine bristled, fervent to defend Damon. You do not understand! Beneath his scars beats a virtuous heart. He has suffered more than any, yet guards me with loyalty worthy of any knight.

Emily softened her tone. I simply wish to aid your judgment, dearest. That thing is unnatural - an abomination that will only bring you to harm. Her judgment stung deeper than any mere insult to Damon.

That night, as clouds rolled in, Katherine found Damon conflicted outside, wrestling with urges to flee his cursed nature instead of subjecting her to prejudice's barbs. His anguished crimson eyes found hers, filled with love greater than any fear. I cannot keep you from your kind. Please, forget this wretch and find solace in the light.

But Katherine refused to abandon her guardian angel. Gently, she placed a hand to his cheek, steeling her resolve. In you I have found redemption's proof against all darkness. Your soul calls to mine across worlds - that bond transcends any shackles of flesh or time.

A familiar howl rose in the mist as Emily's brother Thomas emerged, brandishing a torch and pitchfork before the cottage. There the monster stands! Let God smite this hellspawn!

But Katherine stood tall before her trembling love, defiance glinting in her emerald eyes. You shall not harm him! His nature you revile, yet 'tis hatred that blackens men's souls. She appealed to Thomas' humanity, reminding of Christ's teachings to lift the downtrodden.

Thomas wavered, empathy stirring as moonlight caressed Katherine's graceful form sheltering the cursed one. At last he lowered his weapons with a sad smile. May your union know blessings wherever love guides your path, sister. Farewell.

As his footsteps faded into night, Damon gazed at Katherine with tears of gratitude. You alone have shown me redemption exists through faith in one another. His kiss seared her soul with promise of eternal devotion through all trials to come. Beneath the Blood Moon their bond was sealed - an unshakeable reminder that even in darkness, hope and absolution could live on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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