Chapter 12: Doc's Backstory/They're Gone?

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[McQueen and the gang then follow the tractor, who is driving towards Willy's Butte.

Chase: Come here, little tractor, come here. [The tractor then stops.] Yeah, that's a good tractor. [But the tractor then moves away.] No, no, no, no, come here. [But the tractor just drives away.] What are you doing? You're not supposed to go wandering off all--[notices Doc Hudson on the track] --alone.

 [Then the gang all notice Doc on the track, as well. The screen then shows McQueen and the whole team as they get closer to a distance from the track, while the tractor drives back towards the town. McQueen noticing that Doc has his racing tires on

Lightning McQueen: What are you doing with those old racing tires? [The screen does a closeup of Doc's side to show us one of his racing tires. It then moves to on the road to show him still standing there. Doc sighs heavily] [McQueen whispering] Come on, Doc, drive. [Doc looks towards the end of the track, then revs his engine. McQueen and the gang smile as the camera do a closeup on Doc's front, the lining on his trunk and side, his rear, and his front and eyes, and he then sets off. Our heroes watch him happily. Doc drives along the hillside beside the first curve. As he drives along the next straight, our heroes get shocked as he comes towards the final curve where McQueen slid off before. Doc then does an opposite lock, where he turns his body to the left, and turns his wheels right while going around the curve perfectly. Doc then stops as he approaches the finish line, with the dust covering the camera for a few seconds until it shows him looking happy.]

Doc Hudson: [sighs heavily] Yeah.

Lightning McQueen: [McQueen and the gang come toward Doc.] Wow! [noticing our heroes] You're amazing! [But Doc just angrily drives away. McQueen and the gang coughs from the dust] What are you doing? Doc, wait!

[McQueen and the gang then follow Doc as they arrive back in Radiator Springs. As Doc goes left on the crossroad back to his garage, McQueen and the gang stop as the tractors drive along in a lineup with Mater behind. Tractors mooing. Mater hitting the back tractor with his hook]

Tow Mater: Giddy-up right in there! Come on, Rusty. WHEE-HE!

Lightning McQueen: [McQueen and the gang eventually catch up with Doc as he drives into his garage.] Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!

Doc Hudson: Wonderful. Now, go away.

Lucas: [as he and gang drive/walk into the garage] Hey, he means it. You've still got it!

Doc Hudson: I'm asking you all to leave.

Lightning McQueen: Come on. I'm a race car, you're a much older race car, but under the hood you and I are the same.

Doc Hudson: We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out. [drives out of his garage]

Matthew: How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?

Doc Hudson: [pauses] You think I quit? [Doc then presses a button on the garage floor to turn on a light beside our heroes, who then look to see a newspaper's front page on the wall saying "Crash! Hudson Hornet out for season".]

Lightning McQueen: Right

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Lightning McQueen: Right. Your big wreck in '54.

Liam: (Looks at Doc) What happened?

Doc Hudson: They quit on me, when I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome, you know what they said? "Your history", moved right on to the next rookie standing in line, there was a lot left in me, I never got a chance to show 'em, I keep that, to remind me never to go back, I just never expected that that world would find me here.

Lightning McQueen: Hey, look, Doc, we're not 'em.

Doc Hudson: Oh, yeah?

Champ: No, we're not.

Doc Hudson: When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, hot rods? You name me one time. And I will take it all back. [McQueen and the gang then feel ashamed.] Uh-huh? I didn't think so. [to McQueen and the gang, who then feels ashamed again] These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on.

Matthew: Oh, like you? You've been here how long, and your friends don't even know who you are? [Doc then looks hurt at Matthew's fact.] Who's caring about only himself?

Doc Hudson: Just finish that road and get outta here! [drives away]

(The screen shows Radiator Cap Mountain and Cadillac Range the next morning, as the same reveille Sarge uses is heard playing. It is again interrupted by Fillmore playing "The Star-Strangled Banner".]

Sarge: Will you turn that disrespectful junk off?!

Fillmore: Respect the classics, man.

[The screen then shows Mater sleeping and snores in his house, shown to be drooling oil. He then snorts and putters as he wakes up, groans as he stretches himself. Mater smacks and sighs. Mater then drives to the main road, where he notices that it has been completed and there is no sign of McQueen and the gang. Mater and Doc were then shown driving to the end of the paving.]

Tow Mater: They're done. They must've finished it while we was all sleepin'.

Doc Hudson: Good riddance. [Doc then drives away as the other residents arrive at the same scene. Ramone has a red paint job.]

Flo: They're gone?

Sarge: Well, we wouldn't want them to miss that race of theirs. [Sally drives away.]

Sheriff: [sniffs]

Ramone: Oh, dude, are you crying?


Red: [blubbers, then sobs and drives away, again knocking down that same pile of tires at that corner of the impound. Just then, McQueen and the gang show up.]

Lightning McQueen: What's wrong with Red?

Skye: Why does he keep knocking those old tires down?

Tow Mater: [not realizing who he's talking to] Oh, he's just sad 'cause you all left town, and went to your big race to win the Piston Cup that you've always dreamed about yer whole life and get that big ol' sponsor and that fancy helicopter you were talking about. [As he talks, the other residents then notice our heroes, looking glad. After finishing his quote, Mater stares at McQueen and the team as they are grinning. Mater gasps as he realizes who he was talking to] Wait a minute! [other laugh, smacks McQueen with his tire] I knowed you all wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

Lightning McQueen: [chuckles]

Sheriff: What are you doing here, son? You're gonna miss your race. [turns on his emergency lighting] Don't worry. I'll give you a police escort, and we'll make up the time.

Chase: Thank you, Sheriff. But you know we can't go just yet.

Sheriff: Well, why not?

Lightning McQueen: I'm not sure these tires... [Luigi gasps excitedly] ...can get us all the way to California. [Guido: Pit stop?!] Yeah, does anybody know what time Luigi's opens?

Luigi: [laughing] I can't-a believe it!

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