part 1

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Winter was nervous. He had been invited to a party at the IceWing palace, hosted by Queen Snowfall herself. He knew it was an honor, but he also knew it was a trap. Snowfall wanted him to choose a mate, preferably one of the high-ranking IceWings who would strengthen her rule. She had been dropping hints ever since he returned from Jade Mountain Academy, where he had met and befriended dragons from other tribes.

Winter didn't want to marry any of the snooty IceWings who looked down on him for his friendship with Moon, Qibli, Kinkajou, and Turtle. He wanted someone who understood him, who challenged him, who made him laugh. He wanted Lynx.

Lynx was his childhood friend, his rival, his crush. She was smart, brave, beautiful, and kind. She had silver-and-white scales that sparkled like diamonds, and dark blue freckles that dotted her snout and wings. She had a curious mind and a fierce spirit. She had stood up to Snowfall more than once, questioning her decisions and speaking her mind. Winter admired her for that.

He had never told her how he felt, though. He was afraid of rejection, of ruining their friendship, of disappointing his family. He knew his brother Hailstorm would approve, but his sister Icicle would scorn him for choosing a low-born dragonet. His parents would be furious, too. They had always wanted him to marry someone from the First Circle, someone with royal blood.

But Winter didn't care about circles or bloodlines. He cared about Lynx.

He spotted her at the party, talking animatedly with some other dragonets from Jade Mountain Academy. She looked happy, radiant, stunning. Winter felt a pang of jealousy as he saw how other dragons admired her, how they laughed at her jokes and listened to her stories. He wished he could join them, but he knew Snowfall was watching him. She would not approve of him mingling with other tribes.

He decided to wait until later, when the party was over and most of the guests had left. He hoped Lynx would stay behind, too. He wanted to talk to her alone, to tell her everything he had kept inside for so long.

He waited patiently, making small talk with some of the other IceWings who approached him. He tried to act polite and interested, but he couldn't help glancing at Lynx every now and then. She seemed to notice him, too. She smiled at him whenever their eyes met, sending a warm flutter through his chest.

Finally, the party was over. Snowfall thanked everyone for coming and dismissed them with a wave of her talons. Winter saw his chance and hurried towards Lynx, hoping no one would stop him.

He reached her just as she was about to leave the palace. She turned around and greeted him with a hug.

"Hi, Winter! I'm so glad you came! Did you have fun?" she asked.

Winter felt his face heat up as he hugged her back. He breathed in her scent, a mix of snow and mint and something else that was uniquely hers.

"Hi, Lynx," he said softly. "Yes, I did have fun. But I need to talk to you about something."

Lynx pulled away and looked at him with concern.

"Is everything okay? You look worried."

Winter nodded.

"Yes, everything is fine. But there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time."

He took a deep breath and gathered his courage.

"Lynx, I love you."

He waited for her reaction, hoping she wouldn't laugh or scream or run away.

She didn't do any of those things.

She smiled.

She smiled so brightly that Winter felt like he was looking at the sun.

She leaned in and kissed him gently on the snout.

She whispered in his ear.

"I love you too, Winter."

Winter felt a surge of joy and relief wash over him. He wrapped his wings around her and kissed her back.

They stayed like that for a while, oblivious to the cold night and the stars above them.

They only broke apart when they heard someone clear their throat behind them.

They turned around and saw Snowfall standing there with a stern expression on her face.

She looked at them with disapproval and said:

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Winter felt a flash of fear and anger. He knew Snowfall would not be happy about his choice.

But he also knew he wouldn't give up Lynx for anything in the world.

He stood up straight and faced Snowfall with defiance.

He said:

"This is Lynx. And she's my mate."

A/N 736 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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