¡Chapter 1!

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Who are you!?..

Narrator's POV

Greetings fellow Wattpad readers! Welcome to the story of Chibi Lamb! His name might throw you off because it means something along the lines of "Tiny". But don't underestimate the meaning or size of anybody!

Moving on,
This story is based on Pokemon: Legends of Arceus.

What if you weren't found by the professor?...

3rd POV

Imagine being thrown around in a torrent of what you could only describe as "Water in an never-ending black pit", only to wake up and..

Chibi slowly opened his eyes, groaning in pain due to being in excruciating pain from falling from the sky. He felt like he had broken every single bone in his body, but to his surprise he could still move every limb that he had previously thought was broken.

"How is that possible?.. Everything feels like it broke in to a million pieces!" He thought.

Another thing he has noticed was that he was being carried in something and not laying on the ground.

"Wait.. I'm not laying on soft grass or sand.. I'M STUFFED INTO SOMETHING BY SOME RANDOM STRANGER! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME!?" He panicked, covering his mouth to prevent himself from hyperventilating and passing out or letting anyone knowing he had woken up.

Chibi grabbed at the sides of the container or whatever he was put into, feeling that it was soft and close to the feeling of a backpack.

"D...Did someone stuff me in a backpack!? How are they carrying me!? They must have major strength..."

He felt whoever was carrying him, stop and set down the backpack, unzipping it and then opening it to reveal Chibi and coaxing him out as if he was some sort of animal.


He reluctantly crawled out of the bag and huffed, standing up and dusting dirt off of his clothing, arms and legs. Turning to look at the person and crossing his arms.

"You couldn't have been more considerate!?" Chibi snapped.

' 'Well that's not very nice of  you to say, a man who fell out of the sky!' ' The stranger snapped back, stunning Chibi.

"Sorry.." He mumbled

"But who are you!? where even am I!? What is this place?.. This isn't my home and are those.. Pokemon!?"

' 'I'm not surprised by everything you're asking, pretty standard stuff from somebody of your likes..' '

' 'First of all, My name is Volo and I'm apart of the Ginkgo Guild, a guild full of merchants wanting to sell to people of Jubilife Village and the Galaxy Team that settled there. We are travelers from all over the place.' '

' 'Second, you're in Hisui. Lastly, you've never heard of pokemon?.. How strange most of the people in Hisui are familiar with the concept and some of the many types and species of them..' '

"N..No! I know what Pokemon are! I just have never seen any before..."

"Not real ones.. How did a game transport me here!?.."

' 'Well good news for you! I found you and decided to take you with me, just so no wild Pokemon accidentally get hungry and mistake you for a snack!' '


' 'Pfft! I'm kidding! I don't think they would eat you at all.' '

Volo looked down at Chibi and smiled, part of his hair was covering one of his gray eyes and the back of his hair tied up into a bun underneath his hat.

"Don't say that then!.. Pokemon eating people is a wild concept and also a terrifying one.."

' 'My bad," Volo laughed. "For now, lets focus on setting up a camp, it's going to storm soon, I can tell my how gray and dark the clouds are..' '

"A..Ah! Of course.. Yes.. That would be nice, I don't want to be soaking wet.."

' 'Now that's the spirit! Lets get to it!' '

Word Count? 639 words.

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