Character Bio and Harem

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Name: Lana O'ConnorAge: 19Birthday: 12-12Species: HumanHeight: 5'2Weight: 106 lbs

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Name: Lana O'Connor
Age: 19
Birthday: 12-12
Species: Human
Height: 5'2
Weight: 106 lbs

Personality: A big fan of both drinking and gambling in spite of legally being too young for either activity, Lana has a penchant for getting into trouble and is easily influenced into ramping things up a bit too far even by her normal standards. But she can never resist when a pretty girl is the one goading her on, that being the ultimate weakness of this poor gay little Irishwoman.


July 9th
124 lbs

Al'iana 20July 9thKemonomimi5'5124 lbs

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Mallow Whey
October 12th
38 lbs

Tristan's Scarra19July 2ndLamia17 feet long1240 lbs

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Tristan's Scarra
July 2nd
17 feet long
1240 lbs

Kana, Tetra, Epsi, Betera, and Alfina24February 24thHydra14 feet tall,  28 feet long 3700 lbs

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Kana, Tetra, Epsi, Betera, and Alfina
February 24th
14 feet tall,  28 feet long
3700 lbs

Kana, Tetra, Epsi, Betera, and Alfina24February 24thHydra14 feet tall,  28 feet long 3700 lbs

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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