Untitled Part 5

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Elliot went to school the next day.

"Hey Elliot want to sit at my lunch table. "Said Adam.

"Why are you asking me this ."Said Elliot.

"I saw you sitting by yourself. "Said Adam.

"I'm good also you shouldn't waste your time on me. "Said Elliot.

Elliot went home later and well one his art drawing he worked hard on got ruin by his brother.

"What you're going cry, Ellie cries a lot. "Said Astor in the same mocking tone.

Elliot went back the basement so upset about what happened but this was normal.

Elliot went to school the next day and Adam asked if they could be friends.

"Why would you want to be friends with me. "Said Elliot.

"You see interesting also from what I saw at the after meeting you really could use someone who doesn't make you feel like crap . "Said Adam.

"Is this pity. "Said Elliot.

"No. "Said Adam.

"Sure. "Said Elliot.

"Okay. "Said Adam

"I have never had friends before so I don't know what to do now. "Said Elliot.

Elliot cursed himself for saying this.

Adam felt both honored to be Elliot's first friend but also sad that he's Elliot's first friend which means he's Elliot's only friend the only one he's ever had.

Elliot ended up inviting Adam home under the guise that they were doing project for school which wasn't actually a lie they did have a history project to work on.

Astor saw Adam walk with Elliot inside the house.

Elliot introduced Adam to Astor.

Adam got a bad vibe from Astor.

Astor didn't know if he would pretend to be nice, cause problems for Elliot or both.

He chose the make it seem like Elliot is a problem.

He kept bothering them as they were working on the project.

Adam didn't like that.

"Can you please leave us alone we're working on a project . "Said Adam.

Astor said something mean about Elliot, assuming he would get upset and Adam would other leave or bully him.


"Can you leave him alone please I could already tell from the after school meeting that your parents don't really care about him and I take you don't either I take it you're the favorite. "Said Adam

Astor was taken aback the only time someone has ever talked to him like that was his maternal grandparents anytime he picked on his brother, they were the only ones who didn't allow him to be a bully.

Astor decided to cause Adam to leave.

Astor said Adam was being rude to him.

Adam was told to leave.

Elliot looked at him with a look that said "I'm sorry."

Elliot went back to the basement to work on his part of the project.

Astor felt proud of himself.

Elliot felt like Adam wouldn't want to be friends with him after that.

But he was wrong if anything it made Adam angry that Astor was being rude and that Elliot was the one who had to deal with that crap all the time.

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