Untitled Part 10

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Elliot was having so much fun but also felt sad because he never got to enjoy any of this when he was little despite knowing that his siblings got to go to the state fair every year.

Elliot felt like crying.

"What's wrong. "Said Adam.

"I never got to enjoy any of this when I was younger and that wasn't fair. "Said Elliot.

Then Elliot says something to Adam .

"If we have children they will get to go to state fairs, eat popcorn and enjoy life." 

"When not if . "Said Adam.

"I know that but I didn't know if bring up the topic of having kids someday would freak you out. "Said Elliot.

Later in the week Elliot started seeing a therapist.

She asked him about his childhood.

"It sucked. "Said Elliot.

"How so. "Said Dr. Amy.

"Anytime my brother broke something or caused any issues I got blamed for it, he was my parents favorite child despite them having four kids." Said Elliot.

"How is your relationship with your siblings." Said Dr. Amy.

"Me and my sisters get along, they were so use to all of this that they never picked up on how it wasn't normal to go on vacations were your little brother had to stay home or how it wasn't normal how your younger brother wasn't allow to eat certain things despite having no health issues to it. "Said Elliot.

"What about your brother." Said Dr. Amy.

"As kids I slept in the basement until someone pointed out how big his room was so we shared a room, he didn't like that and one of my toys got broken, anytime I tried to make friends with the other neighbors when we were playing outside he would make the other hate me by saying stuff like I ate bugs or worshipped the devil and when I started crying he would go 'Ellie's a crybaby, Ellie cries a lot, Ellie the crybaby, Crybaby Ellie." and the other kids would join in. "Said Elliot.

"That's horrible. "Said Dr. Amy.

"It is, every time I tried to make friends and my brother is present he would try to make them hate me, I had no friends growing up because my brother made all of the other kids hate me, he would break my already old and broken toys so I got good at fixing stuff, everyone assumed he was a perfect angel well everyone but my maternal grandparents, they knew he was evil and wouldn't let him get away with crap and one day when my parents picked us up from there I was told I couldn't go over there anymore and then later they took my brother out for ice cream while sat in the car wondering if my grandparents were mad at me. "Said Elliot.

Then he said "I got into trouble in school, talking in class, running in the halls, small stuff, it all started when I got blamed for a food fight in second grade and I saw how much my parents paid attention to me so I thought if I did bad stuff in school my parents would pay attention to me . "Said Elliot.

Then he said "When I met Adam it was the first time I had a friend, but one day my brother comes over from college and tries to make Adam hate me so he'll leave but when it doesn't work he made up a lie that Adam was mean to him which in Adam's defense Astor started it, Adam got banned from our house , Christmas rolls around and I got the usually gifts of a hoodie and socks all I wanted was a guitar case for my thrifted guitar I spend money on that I saved up from my lunch money same with my motor bike. "

Then he said "I see a box shaped like a guitar case and I couldn't believe it I was so happy until they handed the box to my brother inside was a violin case and a bunch of sheet music laid a box shaped like a guitar case, well Adam shows up to give me my gift, it was supplies, well my parents made me give him back the gift and the gift I got him was a manga that my parents made me return it and told I was only allowed to give gifts to family members. 

Then he said "Christmas wasn't fun, but my birthday was worst, I have a cousin named Tracy who was born the same day as me you would think oh we must of had shared birthdays together no that day was Tracy's birthday because my parents told everyone I hated my birthday."

Then he told her about what happened at his late birthday.

"That day was the late time I saw my parents or my brother. "Said Elliot.

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