Teddie eggs

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Teddue was walking up one mornijgn and he llokes outside of his aesthetic winfod he dicides to go downxtaus and is gretered by adahci. Adahci waves hello to teeddid. "why are you in my house adachi" teddie ssaks. "cababge" adachi responess. "ok" teddie says. Adachi hit teddie on td =e head with an pan. Teddie makes a sad noise and then fints. Adachi chortles. "cabbage" he said. Teddie understood aand sucumbed to hus fatatee. Adachi cracked open the bear masicrt {egg} and put the actual teddie {the blond one yes} in the pna and he sizzled slightly {why is there no oli in the pan?} teddie fried in the pan for a few minutes. Adachi smiles at the pan. "mmm cabbage..." he admits quietly. Teddie is now delicious sunny side up eggs. Adahi chortles once more. "cabbage." Yosuke suddenly spawns in to tell adachiee to flp his egg {teedee} before he burns it. Teddie id now burnfef. Adacj takes so me cabbage that Yosuke had for some reason and yosuke's buns and made the following burngr: bun cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage teddie {egg (burnde)} cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage bun. Adachi consmuems the bugner. The end

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