Change of Feelings

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Foxy's Pov:

After I left everybody went to check what class they got so I decided to follow. As I got my schedule I saw Bonnie, Chica,and Freddy chatting. I stared at each one and caught Freddy's eye, he glared at me and grumbled something to Bonnie and Chica. They looked at me and walked away.

Mangle wagged her white fluffy tail walked over towards me. She flashed a flirty look at me but I just rolled my eyes. "Mangle please stop flirting with me I'm not interested." "But babe I love you so much and everyone knows." she pouted. "Ugh go and talk to your friends I'm busy right now." I lied trying to walk away from Mangle. She giggles and waves her tail at me trying to get my attention. "Stop it I mean it." I scolded her. "Awww ok fine." She pouted and walked off to her friends giggling.

I sigh, and walk towards my friends. Lacy looked at me her short fluffy hair put in to a small pony tail bobbed behind her. (ok the random oc's are not even really clever I'll tell you the animal by parenthesis so yea ok the animal is a llama) "Hey Lacy." "Foxy you seem bummed." She looked at me concerned,I glance at her and rub the back of my neck,"Well first Mangle annoys me, and also I want to go home." "We know you don't really like Mangle and don't we all Foxy." "I guess, but-" I was interrupted by some one tackling me. I grunt and kick them off, "Aye there Foxy!" Said a joyful voice. "Ello Jeffery!" I smiled and hugged my friend.(Jaguar) His hair was a light gold with dark patterns. (also I'm to lazy to describe the outfits of the random Oc's and eye color so just imagine it k?) He fixed his messy floppy hair and put on his beanie. "So what classes did you get?" Jeffery asked curiously.

-1 min of examining the schedule-

"Oh barely any of the classes with us." Lacy gazed at me sadly, Jeffery shook his head,"Maybe its a prophecy for Foxy to make new friends." Joked a voice. "That's so rude!" Giggled Lacy, "Oh come on Casey!" I snapped.(coyote) Her dirty grey hair was long and wavy. She pricked her ears and smirked. "I'm just joking Foxy it's not a big deal." She said reassuringly."Sure." I muttered.

"Attention students I want all the freshman to go to the gym while the rest of the students go to your assigned classes." announced the Principal. "Well let's go!" I hollered as everyone was going to where they should.

Chica's Pov:

I follow Freddy to the gym as Bonnie was behind us. "Bonnie we got some classes together!" "Yeah we did!" She said high fiving me. Freddy gazed at us and smirked at us "I have some classes with you guys too." "Sweet." Bonnie  and I said grinning.I looked around for other familiar faces, I saw one familiar... It was Foxy and his friends. I turned my gaze away and went to talk to Bonnie and Freddy.

"Welcome my new freshman!"the Principal's voice boomed over the gym. "I am glad you guys have come here, you will learn so many things." "wooooot!!" Shouted the freshman's around us. I flinched as some of their breaths went down my spine.Bonnie twitched her ears and stared at the principal. I glanced around again and noticed Foxy and his friends talking and looking at us. I glare at them, Freddy notices and also glares at them. Foxy's friends started laughing, but Foxy on the other hand just sighed. What is going on in that mind of his? I glance at Bonnie she was playing with her red bow necklace. "Bonnie?" "Yeah Chica?" She answered, "Uhm do you think we'll get in some classes with Foxy?"I asked," I hope we don't ." Freddy grumbled."I don't know, I mean he seems like he's changing but he might be joking with us."Bonnie said frowning. "Alright students if you have PE right now go to that corner." he pointed to the left corner.I looked at my schedule, I have PE first... Great.. I frown and walk over to the corner.

When I turn around to see if Bonnie or Freddy would follow I noticed Jeffery. I shivered and looked away from him. "Hey there Chica! How have you been?" He smirked at me "Leave me alone Jeffery." I growled,"Woah woah woah, I'm trying to be nice here." He flashed a smile that would drive a girl insane. I rolled my eyes "Sure you are." I muttered. Some girls squealed and ran up to Jeffery pushing me on to the floor. "Ugh, stupid fangirls." I muttered and cursed under my breath,"Ladies you guys have hurt my friend." Jeffery said to them extending a hand to me. Wtf?! What is he trying to do??!!! "Oh I'm sorry Jeffery and "friend"." The girls said rudely. "Your not welcome." I said with frustration. "Jeffery sighed and pulled me up. He wagged his tail making it lash out like a whip. I flinched and accidentally jumped into him. "Are you ok Chica?" He said concerned. I blushed a bright red, "Yeah just let me move." I hid my eyes behind my bangs.

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