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October 19 2023

Location: Spotify Camp Nou

Cleo's P.O.V.
The first game of the season it had been 2 weeks since we had came back to Barcelona. Neymar jr and Suarez decided to join Barcelona again.

The team had great defense with my dad being the captain. I remembered the days where uncle ney and uncle Suarez would make abunch of goals with my dad.

It just felt an excitement you would never know when they would score a goal. It was a mystery. Honestly I was proud and happy to be Messi's daughter although it has some major con's. Like

1. Practically famous at birth
2. Noisy people
3. Haters.
4. Having no privacy

Althoug it migh seem like a dream it sometimes isnt. Barcelona was playing agains Espanyol. The main lineup has some good defense. I was waiting for the game to start so i decided to take some pictures of the view.



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Primer juego de la temporada!tagged:@leomessi, @luissuarez9, @neymarjrLiked by:leomessi, luissuarez9, neymarjr, antonelaroccuzzo, and 145,000 more!Comments off

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Primer juego de la temporada!
tagged:@leomessi, @luissuarez9, @neymarjr
Liked by:leomessi, luissuarez9, neymarjr, antonelaroccuzzo, and 145,000 more!
Comments off

"Cleo me puedes comprar palomtas" aksed Ciro "si por supuesto ven" i said standing up

"Mama voy a comprar palomitas a Ciro ahora regreso" I said getting my wallet
"vale ten cuidado!" she said

Ciro gave her thumbs up and we walked to the stand where they sold popcorn.

"hola puedo tener 2 bolsas de palomitas porfa" i said to the receptionist "claro" she said and gave me the popcorn i paid and we made our way back the players were already warming up for the game I saw my dad with Suarez, and Neymar. I waved at them and they waved back.

"regresamos!" my brother said with his bag of popcorn, we sat down and watched as the players were warming up. As i was looking at the players someone caught my eye. He was taller then my dad by at least one inch. He was brunette light brown eyed and had bushy eye brows, for some reason he looked familiar until it clicked about 7 years ago in a game a boy caught my eye he looked so familiar maybe it was him who knows am I right?

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