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Pablo's P.O.V.

I was still thinking on what I had said to cleo. Like did I move to fast... or like what. I hope she forgot I said I guess IL see you more. Like what was I thinking Gavi. But either way she gave me her number.

"Gaviiiii" pedri in union with balde and Joao
"What" I said "soooo wha between you and Messi number 2" pedri said
"Wdym nothing is going on and do you mean Cleo" I said to them "mhm sureee" balde said
"I'm being serious" I said "uh huh" Joao said "Can you guys stop Like nothings happening" I said "well there is and if you guys end up in a relationship thank us" pedri said as he took of his training shirt

Messi was long gone he had left as soon training was over Neymar was still here but was talking to Suarez.

I grabbed my stuff and left. One of those stuff was the paper Cleo gave with her number on it. I got in my car and drove home. As soon as I got home I took a shower.

After my shower I was laying in my bed with pj pants and a plain grey t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and on it was Cleo's number I decided to text her.


Hi cleo it's Pablo!

Oh hi Pablo!

*Unknown changed Unknown to Gavi🇪🇦*
*Gavi🇪🇦 changed Unknown to Cleo💗*

Soooo how's life

Ehh it's alrr I guess

How come

Well Xavi has been ignoring since ur dad has come back no offense to your dad tho! He's the goat

No offense taken! Omg that's terrible I hope it fixes you're a great player Pablo!

Thanks and how's life going

Well great, I got my dream job
But it doesn't feel right idk

That's how I felt when I became a profesional fútbol player don't worry you'll get used to it!

Yea I will

Um so I was wondering would you like to uhm like hangout like a date...

Yea I would love to!

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