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(angst + fluff)

It was late afternoon, and dark clouds were forming in the sky, signaling that heavy rain was approaching. You hurried through the streets, passing by several blocks of houses until you reached your own. You sighed as you reached the door, today had been a very exhausting day. However, something caught your attention.

From inside the house, you could hear a beautiful melody being played. Silently opening the door and entering, you found Jamie in the middle of the living room with his cello, completely immersed in his world.

Leaning against the wall next to the door, you watched him because he hadn't noticed your presence yet. He plays so well, and every melody that resonates in your heart makes you fall in love with him even more.

Quickly memories of the past flood your mind – when you went to see the concerts he participated in, him taking you to instrument shops while he got lost in sonnet books, and when walking together in the park, just enjoying each other's company.

When you both returned home, you'd enjoy a long night with good wine and a vinyl playing in the background while discussing various topics until you surrendered to each other.

When Jamie finished playing, he felt he was being watched and looked up to meet your gaze. Tears were streaming down your face due to the memories flooding your mind. A look of concern formed on his face when he saw the tears falling from your eyes uncontrollably.

"Love, what happened?" he asked. "Nothing," you replied amidst a sob. "You're crying." he said, knowing you were lying. "It's just...you know I always get emotional when you say this sonnet." you replied, which wasn't a lie. Jamie smiled in understanding; he knew this was your favorite melody, and he knew you loved it when he played it.

"Please...promise me you won't leave again." you said softly, but inside, you were desperately pleading. Jamie got up from the old, small chair, placing his cello on it, and walked over to you, enveloping you in a warm hug. It was such a comforting embrace that you could live in it forever.

Your face was buried in his chest, and his delightful scent filled your senses. He brought his hand to your chin, making you lift your head and look into his eyes, those beautiful eyes in which you could lose yourself deeply.

"You can't imagine how hard it was for me to live all this time without you." you managed to say between the tears that kept flowing down your face. "I know...i know, but i'm back now. I'm here for you," Jamie replied, gently wiping your tears away from your face. "And I promise I'll never leave again because i love you. I love you with my life...the one i've already had, and i'll keep loving you without it."

A sad smile formed on his face with his last words, and you sank into his embrace again, feeling the pain in his voice as he said that. You stayed like this, seeming like an eternity, but you didn't care, you just wanted to feel and enjoy each other's presence.

You lifted your head again, moving closer to kiss him, but Jamie's hand on your chest stopped you from continuing. Looking at him questioningly, you watched as he brought his free hand to his lips and blew lightly.

"What are you doing?" you asked curiously. "Warming my lips." he replied calmly and then leaned in to kiss you again, tucking a loose strand of your hair and moving his hand down to caress your cheek. You placed your hand on his, closing your eyes for a moment with the sensation.

Feeling Jamie's breath closer, you felt his lips touch yours with a calm and passionate kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, not wanting him to leave, which made him smile as he kissed you.

Your lips moved in perfect harmony, both savoring every inch of each other. Jamie's hand reached your waist, pulling you closer to him, making your bodies press together. The passion burned steadily between you two, and it was clear how much you loved each other, with a deep connection that transcended lust.

Life had already made you suffer too much, taking away the only person who truly cared about you and loved you. But now he had returned, and you would never allow him to leave again.

"I love you." he said, catching his breath as they separated from the kiss, while you ran your hands through his soft, fluffy hair.

"I really love you." you said, smiling. "I really truly love you." Jamie quickly replied, starting a playful competition. "I really truly madly love you." you retorted, your smile even wider. "I really truly madly deeply love you." Jamie sang, holding you by the waist and spinning happily.

"Oh, you love me that much?" you teased. "So much." he replied, giving you a quick peck on your lips, making your smile even wider and all the previous sadness melt away.

You didn't care about anything else. You didn't care about what people said or thought. Only your happiness and Jamie's mattered. Spending the rest of your life with the man you loved, and when you die, you can finally be like him, whatever your choices may be. You can choose to go to heaven or continue on earth. But that doesn't matter to you because Jamie will always be by your side, and as you always tell him, 'heaven is a place on earth with you.'

Well, this was the first chapter, it's a bit sad because I wrote it when I was sad and missing Jamie, so there it is. I hope you liked it, don't forget to comment and vote!

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