Chapter 4: The Progress That We Made

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Song Credits: MitiS - Falling Into Mystery (feat. Dia Frampton)

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


It turns out that Sama was leading me to a forest, A different one from where I had met her in. However it looked beautiful to me, the glow of pink and red everywhere.

Her red eyes reflected in the sunlight, making her look almost... beautiful to stare at. It was like the lighting from the trees and sun was making her look almost magical to observe in the daylight.

I look around the treeline, the sun now in the middle of the sky. Sama leads me to a specific tree, looking down at me.

"This is the place. Here was where I had spent many hours in a day, relaxing when I wasn't busy with... My personal things."

I nod. "That makes sense. Relaxing here does seem nice. It's very beautiful."

She looks at me, red smile upturned. "That's not the only beautiful thing here..."

I blush, looking away from her teasing face. 'Oop, I set myself up there.'

She chuckles, sitting down, leading me to sit beside her. She hums her favorite tune, her clawed hand carefully holding onto mine.

I sigh out, closing my eyes, deciding to sit there in the quiet with my demon roommate. I feel myself being picked up, me squeaking out of shock as she sets me in her lap, her hand holding my hip.

I look up some, red all over my cheeks. I manage to get out a, "Why'd you pick me up? I can sit fine on my own..."

She looks down, her blood red lips pursed in amusement at my clear embarrassment at her actions.

"Well I just felt like it. Besides, I don't see you complaining little one. Anyways I like being close to good friends, whilst relaxing."

I perk up, confused and bewildered at her explanation. "You think that we're friends? Even though I'm not exactly what you are? Even when we had just met?"

She hums in response. "Yes, I haven't been close to anyone in far too long. And it seems that I'm not the only one." She was right. I hadn't made any close friends, especially with my trust issues.

But knowing that we were similar in that way, it felt comforting knowing that the 15 feet tall witch thought of me as a friend, even when I hadn't even told her anything personal yet, but that didn't matter.


The warm sun had made me tired, and I unknowingly fell asleep in Sama's lap, yet she didn't say anything against it, so I guess that it was okay.

I subconsciously felt hands running through my hair, making me fall back even more. That same scent washed over me, making me feel safe and comfortable.

But, was this the feeling of being wanted? To feel love that is unconditional from someone close to you? I didn't want to admit it, but maybe it wasn't a bad thing.

I hear that same tune, which reminded me of my mother who hummed songs for me every night as a little girl, calming me whenever I needed it.

Eventually I wake up, Sama smiling down at me.

"How'd you sleep little sky? I knew you were very tired, so I didn't wake you up. But are you ready to go exploring now?"

I yawn unintentionally. "Yep, I'm ready now. Let's go I guess if you want to."

Her elegant voice responds. "Yes, I am very much set to go. I just wanted to share this with you little one."

She helps me up, my hand attaching to her clawed one. "Yeah, and it is a very much different place for me. It was fun to experience with you."

I smile up at her. "Now, let's go exploring the town, shall we?"


We were having loads of fun. Trying new food, and with lots of convincing I had Sama try some, and she loved eating the delicious foods with me, which made me feel happy.

Both of us were walking around holding hands, me pointing out new things on our walk in the city, smile big on my face.

No-one seemed to mind the tall woman, but she probably appeared normal to everyone else, so nobody really cared about it.

Sama hums along as we walk along the sidewalk, tapping my shoulder, catching my attention. "Hold on, I'll be right back, I need to see something. Stay here."

I nod, sitting on the rock by us, waiting as she leaves and goes somewhere. However I don't see the person behind me, about to rob me until...

I hear screaming, and turn around to see something that made me scared. Sama grabbing a guy by his neck, and she talks demonically in Japanese to him.


(Translation: Go away mortal. If I see you trying to rob from her again, I'll kill you)

The guy in turn whimpers, nodding and dashes away from the clearly fuming demoness who was angry like crazy.

I was shaking from the sudden outburst, Sama turning to face me, her eyes softening at my small form shaking out of fear.

She gets on a knee. "What's wrong little one? Are you okay?" She puts a clawed hand out, waiting for me to take it.

I nervously respond. "What'd that guy do to anger you?"

She sighs, closing her eyes. "He tried to rob you, but thankfully I returned just in time to save you..."

My eyes were wide, that shocked me to hear. "You.. You saved me? But why?"

She smiles down at me. "Because I care about you dear, why else wouldn't I save someone important to me? Besides, where I went, I had gotten this for you."

She takes out a box, handing it to me. I was even more surprised. First she had gotten a gift for me, now she ended protecting me from someone trying to take my stuff.

I open it, gasping at what I saw inside. A necklace with a black diamond on it, and it was heart shaped. Sama doesn't see my response. 

"Is.. Is it okay? I know it's a lot from me, but I really do think that were friends, especially when I scared you when we first met, but now I mean it."

I jump up, hugging the witch, and she smiles when I do. I smell that scent of familiarity, the one that kept me comforted in this big world the most.

I whisper, afraid she wouldn't hear me, "I love it. Thank you, Sama. For being a friend to me too..."

She picks me up, making me squeal in surprise. She looks down at me, her lips smiling. Her red eyes holding that feeling of home in them.

"You're welcome my songbird, I'm glad that you love it."

I hug her neck, accidentally falling asleep in her arms. But knowing that I opened up some to her, it felt right. It didn't feel like those times that I trusted any guys, even for a little bit.

It didn't feel wrong, or unfaithful to myself, it felt like the right thing for me to do. And I knew that I would never regret picking up that seal, otherwise a new possibility of befriending someone just like me wouldn't be a thing.

And that someone being a fifteen tall witch that turned my direction on the world the other way...

Also, Sama might've felt the same way about me, and how she wouldn't want her life any other way from this.

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