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harry followed his prefects to the dorm, even though harry had been inside before this was new, harry had never been inside further then the common room.

they all had been stopped in there waiting harry assumed for either snape to appear and give a speech or the head Slytherin student.

snape arrived in his usual dramatic persona, robes billowing behind him.

the whole house stayed, harry assumed they all had to get a refresher of the rules.

'outside this room you will be discriminated against and called a dark wizard, you will have cowards gang up on you, so outside this room you will present a united front, you will defend your own regardless of your personal feelings, don't get caught doing anything against the rules and don't lose us points, do not give them a chance or reason to do anything to you, with that said i expect at least two older students to escort the first years to class for the first week."

the older students looked to be arguing over who would be on babysitting duty.

"on that note, potter"

everyone turned to Harry.

"i will pretend that you don't exist unless another house is targeting you, on that note don't give me a reason to look at you, behave do your school work and we won't have an issue, the first rule includes Potter as well, out of the dorm room you protect him too"

the students looked like they didn't know what to do about harry at first when Severus left they instead decided to just ignore him too, and Harry was honestly fine with that.

harry got set up his bed had green sheets and drapes his belongings where stored and he cast some anti-theft charms, now that he had his wand magic was much easier, so harry promised himself he would still focus on his wandless magic, his want would not be a crutch.

in the morning harry grabbed his books, and headed to the common room where the first years were being gathered by two older students, harry joined his year mates.

shortly they where being taken down to the great hall for brakfast.

harry ate well knowing it would be a long day, sure he knew the material and techniques however he still had to get through it all again.

Ron appeared to be personally offended that harry was in the house of the snakes, and Malfoy seemed to be his main white knight, harry suspected it was just because he wanted to fight with Ron, harry chose to simply walk away or avoid the boy all together, Ronald was honestly of no interest to harry, he was immature jealous and aggressive, when he grew up he would be an amazing man but for now he was just that a child, harry found all the students tiresome honestly, even the 7th years, where immature, not as much as the others but harry preferred to speak to the school staff or the house elves or spend time with the creatures on the grounds.

he spent his class time reading books from the library that caught his interest or for skills that interested him, when called upon he would answer, he made sure to pay attention in the classes he found dull in his past life, or classes he was doing badly in, this time he wouldnt just cruse by expecting Hermione to solve all their academic problems.

in the common room he was left alone and given a wide birth, completely nutural in the snake den, neither hated or liked.
harry knew for sure he wasnt going to get the stone, it would be perfectly protected where it was and harry didnt want to encourage Dumbledore's dangerous schemes.

however when the troll was released harry went to the girls bathroom he wouldnt let a little girl die because he wanted to fly under the radar.
harry heard the screams and ran into the bathroom, throwing out his bare hand magic flew around him shining pink and blue.

"Wingardium Leviosa"
the club stayed aloft in the air as the troll looked around in confusion.
Harrys voice took on a low tone and almost like the weight of the earth was behind it.


his magic stretched out and turned bright light purple, the club dropped with such force it was like a gravity cannon, it went through the top of the trolls head and through slamming through the tiles below getting stuck six inches deep. the rest of the room creaked under pressure and Hermione let out another shriek as the rubble on her pressed down.

harry quickly let up, eyes glowing green for several seconds.

the teachers burst into a horrific bloody scene, the troll had collapsed all dead weight, the girl still hiding under the rubble still sobbing from her scare.

"oh my goodness! explain yourself!"
Mcgonagall spluttered.

"i heard that Hermione had been crying in the bathroom and went to tell her about the troll, it was already here, so i had to do do something or she would be killed"

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