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Ignore the mistakes:

"Hey burden, wake up," Someone said while putting her hands on sleeping alpha who soon jolted as she poured a whole jug of water on him.

"W-What?," He looks around and wipes his face.

"Burden, the breakfast is ready even though no one wants you there, still we thought you're hungry so come or not, I just fulfilled my duty so bye,"

She rolls her eyes and walks away from there, leaving an hurt and wet alpha.

The alpha I'm talking about is Jeon Jungkook or burden as his family calls him by that word.

It's not his fault that he got paralysed down but no one likes him nor wants him in this pack, even his own family hate him so let's not talk about others.

He wipes his tears and looks at the picture of his once happy family. His eyes linger on his older sister, dahyun. "I'm so sorry noona, I didn't mean to kill you,"

He was twenty when his older sisters, yuni and dahyun, his parents jeon yoona and jeon junghyul went to picnic as his suggest, to make his birthday memorable.

Him and dahyun were on his car. He had recently got his license and soothes that he can drive well now and dahyun trusted him. He was her brother so of course she would.

But suddenly some car came infront of his and he lost control when he was trying to avoid the another car for making any accidents, he succeeded avoiding but he couldn't stop his car and it crashed into a heavy metal, everything was black after that.

He realised that he got paraplegic and he also lost his favourite noona, dahyun who sadly couldn't make it, resulting everyone started to hate him for killing his own sister.

He begged that he didn't kill her intentionally but no one listened nor they wants to. For them he's her killer and he was never their son and brother.

"I'm sorry noona, I really am. You understand me right? I didn't mean to, I'm sorry I love you," He sobs silently while looking at the smile of dahyun.

After crying for a moment, he somehow got on this wheelchair and went into his bathroom to clean his face and brush his teeth.

He showered twice a week. He needs help in that but never ask anyone, too hesitant and too shy so he showered himself somehow.

He freshened up and went out and saw everyone is already done eating and was walking away, it hurts to watch that no one waited for him to come, it's not the first time but still it hurts like an b!tch.

"Master! Come. I cooked your favourite dish," Min-ji, the servant of Jeon house, who is the only person who doesn't hate him said as she serves him his favourite food.

His stomach growls and without any delay, he dig into it. He remembers joking around while eating with family while remembering, it stings his eyes. He really miss his family.

He was eating peacefully when his father, who once called him son now calls him burden came and sat beside him. "I-Is something w-wrong?,"

"No! I just want you to know that I and my wife has selected a omega for you, from the moon pack and they are willing to keep you there after marriage, instead of that omega coming here,"


Jungkook widened his eyes as he chocked into a water he was drinking. Junghyul glare at him as he wipes his face.

"Be happy that they are willing to keep your ass there,"

"But dad how could you do this to your own son? Don't I have a right to decide if I want it or not?," He got tears on his eyes but Mr. Jeon just rolls his eyes.

"I'm not your dad, how many times do I have to tell you that huh!!? Remember my son wasn't this problematic and my son was never a murderer, who killed his own sister just to make his birthday memorable,"

He uttered and every words were piercing through jungkook's heart. He holds his tears as he doesn't want to cry infront of people.

"I don't want it! No. I don't want to get married please, I know I'm just a burden on you but please I don't want to get married, I don't want to ruin a omegas life with my already ruin his life, please dad,"

He joined his hands together as he begged but junghyul slammed his hand on the table and got up from the chair. Jungkook flinches at that.

"Enough is enough, they're coming here today, if you reject him, you have see our dead bodies, I'm warning you,"

No matter how much they treat him badly, he still loves them because they're his family. "D-Dad, please I-,"

"Shut up and yeah dress nice even though they probably don't care," Junghyul scoffs and walks away, ignoring jungkook's screaming.

"I don't want to get married!! Please!! I don't want this!, dad!,"


Awhh hi? How's this?
There is nothing like heavy angst, only little bit of angst nothing much after that it's an fluff book with shy alpha Jungkook and bold omega taehyung

Awhh hi? How's this? There is nothing like heavy angst, only little bit of angst nothing much after that it's an fluff book with shy alpha Jungkook and bold omega taehyung

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