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Ignore the mistakes:

After the hospital visits and ice-cream date, and most importantly, the kiss, they just strolled around for an hour.

Minds were lost in their kiss, their first ever kiss. They want it again not gonna lie but both of them are too shy to say anything.

Now they are inside the moon pack, people were watching and greeted them as they walks by. Taehyung strolled him to the group of men but stopped in the middle.

"Bunny, I want you to meet my hyungs, is that okay with you?," He asks worriedly as jungkook never had talk to anyone ever since he came here.

"W-Will they like me?"

"Are you kidding me? They're going to love you," Taehyung said in disbelief at his insecure question. "I-I'm scared,"

"Don't be bunny, they are like my older brothers, they're kinda possessive about me but don't worry they're going to love you,"

Taehyung reassure him and took him there when jungkook nodded. "Hyung!,"

A group of alphas stopped talking and turn their heads, immediately smiles roses upon their face as soon as they saw him. They waves at him.


"B-Bear?," Jungkook mumbles, but taehyung heard him. "Yes! They call me bear because they said I look like a bear? I don't know but I love that,"

"Hey hyung! Why didn't you come to our wedding?, I'm mad you know," Taehyung asked while pouting at them, stopping them when they tried to hug them.

"Sorry bear, my friend's pack was attacked by some rough so we had to go, I'm sorry because of me they couldn't attend," One with chestnut hair apologises.

"It's okay jin-ki hyung! I'm  sorry to hear that, are they alright now? No one's injured right?,"

Jin-ki nodded as everyone bows at him, taehyung smirks in satisfaction with their act. That's right even though they're alpha but they respect him.

"Good to know, or else I'd have talked to that person who attacked your friend's pack," Taehyung eyes turn hazel for a second before turning into his natural brown.

"But you, minho hyung! I saw you at our wedding, but you didn't come, may I ask why?,"

Taehyung crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow, the tall with black hair alpha male, minho tense at the mentioned name of his name.

"Ah it's not like that bear, something cut off and I had to leave of course, I'm sorry but haven't I give you presents?," Minho chuckles nervously.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, hands on jungkook's collar, playing with it as he huffed. "I forgive you, but yeah! I got your gift, thank you very much,"

"You're welcome,"

"Hmph, leave it, seeing him? He is my husband, isn't he handsome?," Taehyung beams like a moon in a dark place while pointing at Jungkook who blushed, being called husband feels amazing.

"Yeah he is,"

Jungkook shifts uncomfortably on his place when he got the attention of everyone.


He mumbles as everyone utters nothing, as his hello was too small to hear by anyone. "Hyung! Can you stop? You're making my husband uncomfortable by your saucers like eyes,"

They squint their eyes before breaking into a warm, welcoming smile.

"Hello brother, I'm Lee Dongmin," The one with brown hair said, hands forward to shake which jungkook hesitantly shakes.

"I-I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook," He introduced himself.  "I'm Choi wooshik, nice to meet you,"

"Yo what's up? I'm Park Seojoon,"

"I'm Hyung-sik Park,"

"Hi! I'm lee jin-ki,"

"Nice to meet you jungkook, my name is kwon sunghwan," 

"And I'm Choi Minho,"

One by one they introduced themselves, they seemed to accept him which kinda relief for him.

"Where is wonwoo?," Taehyung asked, looking for someone named wonwoo.

"Must be with his mate, he can't get away from his mate, it makes me sick to stomach," Wooshik act like vomiting, making everyone laugh.

"Just wait until you find yours, hyung!," Taehyung smirks at him but he just waves his hands on him. "Never, I'm confident that I won't be like him,"

"Whatever, time will tell hyung. I should go, it's nice to talk with you guys but we're leaving now, bye,"

"Bye bear and bear's bunny," They teased, making Jungkook blushed, taehyung smirks as he bowed.

"Yeah Yeah! Very very cute one,"

Taehyung waves and strolls away. They waves back until they stepped into their home.

"Our bear has grown up now, he's not single anymore," Minho said while other nodded.

"Indeed, bear's bunny is sure so lucky," They turned their heads when someone said, as they felt like jealously is in his voice but shrugs off, thinking that they're hearing things.


I guess who that might be??🤓

I guess who that might be??🤓

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