Chapter 2 - I See Red

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NOTE: Yes, of course I wanted to surprise you with two chapters in order to celebrate the first day of publishing this story! From hereon I will continue with the usual pace, one chapter every Thursday.

Also, the siblings speak partly Hindi with each other, but it is mostly just phrases like "little brother" or "my dear sister", if it is not further explained. Unfortunately, I do not actually speak Hindi myself and have to rely on translating programs, so please let me know if something is incorrect!


The ball was just as an tedious and boring affair as Eddie had feared. Yes, he was happy to see that his sister seemed to be one of the most sought after dance partners this evening, but he himself would have gladly enjoyed his time with a little less attention than what he was currently getting. All the marriage-minded mamas and their eager young daughters seemed to be swooning over the fact that the future Viscount Bridgerton had returned to London after five years in Oxford. The last few summers he had mostly spent at Aubrey Hall and now he could feel the hungry eyes of every lady in the room glued to him wherever he went in the ballroom, waiting like vultures for the chance to see which lucky lady would be the first one he would take to the dance floor. If Eddie got to decide – which he luckily did, since ladies were not allowed to ask for a dance – nobody would be so lucky tonight. The room was filled with the same boring and superficial women of the ton he had seen since his first social season. All the same gaudy dresses containing no brains at all, the same ones who had made it to his father's stupid list. None of the new debutantes looked especially fetching, except for Charlotte of course, but if the only radiant debutante in the room was his sister, Eddie would never be able to find his viscountess tonight. Not that he was looking, he was absolutely in no hurry or intent to get shackled into marriage any time soon, but it was always nice to entertain the possibility of meeting someone interesting. At the moment though, Eddie was desperately looking for a way out and not a viscountess, since both Lady Philippa Finch and Lady Cressida Berbrooke had already quite literally thrown their oldest daughters at him. Eddie knew that if he would stand still even for a moment at the edge of the dance floor he would soon be attacked by some equally lunatic matrons. Finally, he spotted a safe haven in the form of his brother in a dark corner, together with their cousins Augie and David Basset.

"Let me in, let me in..." Eddie breathed out and squeezed into their tight little circle that somehow seemed to keep them protected from the manhunting mamas.

"What is the matter, does the future viscount not enjoy the attention he's getting?" Augie sneered and offered his pocket flask to Eddie, who drank heartily from it before replying.

"Watch it, Basset. I would without a moment of hesitation throw a future duke into their jaws instead... Surely they would quickly forget about me, if they could sink their claws into you." Eddie smirked and gave the flask back to the oldest one of his almost thirty cousins.

"Slight chance of that, brother..." Miles chuckled, as two young ladies sighed loudly and fluttered their fans vigorously when they passed behind Eddie's back.

"There are indeed some advantages in being the second son." David grinned and clinked his lemonade glass together with a smirking Miles Bridgerton.

"Your time will come, just wait and see until we get married first." Augie pointed out.

"Anyone you've got your mind set upon already, brother?" David asked with a mischievous smirk and scanned the room over his brother's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the debutantes.

"Miss Roberta Joliffe." Augie stated, like he had decided to buy a horse at an auction.

"Really?" Eddie wondered with wide eyes. "Why have I not heard any of this!" He complained in an offended tone.

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