weirdo. (day 2 vacation)

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Also a reminder. I made this story for the andrija fans to enjoy and just to increase their imagination. Please do not take my story seriously

It's yall's 2nd day at the resort and the parents called you and andrija over downstairs to talk about something

A.C:"what are we gonna talk about?"


Suzana:"well... We noticed these past few days that both of you have been suspicious."

M/N:"yes, what we meant of "suspicious" is that both of you have been calling each other "love" "husband" "wife" etc. Are you guys hiding something?"

Y/N:"should we tell them?" You whispered to andrija

A.C:"i think so..." He whispered back

Y/N:"*sighs* we....erm...we like each other.."


M/N chuckled

M/N:"fine. Here"

Y/N:"is there something wrong?"

Suzana:"no! Nothing at all! We actually support both of you."


Suzana:"you can actually date if you want😆 BUT i better not hear news from you that you are a father at a young age"

A.C:"Mom!😤 Were not that irresponsible"

Suzana:"just saying"

Y/N:"anyways, im gonna go to the kitchen and make a hot chocolate ; wanna come?"

A.C:"of course!"

You and andrija went to the kitchen

Y/N:"i can't believe that they are letting us date. Aren't we just 5th graders?"

A.C:"i would actually ask you but i know kosta's gonna be mad if he finds out"

Y/N:"should i tell him about my feelings?"


you texted kosta

                   You removed your

Y/N Vukoviс́:hi kosta... I have decided...

Future boyfriend:what?

Y/N Vukoviс́:i dont like you so sorry....but we can still be friends?

Future's cant control your feelings...

            Kosta kecmanovic removed
                        Its nickname


A.C:"what did he say?"

Y/N:"he says he's fine but i know he's hurt..."

A.C:"well atleast now he knows... I know he's gonna be more hurt if you havent told your feelings for like 2 years?"

Y/N:"right. Oh! I forgot were gonna make a hot chocolate"

You put 2/4 cups of coco powder 1/2 sugar and you were about to melt the powder by putting boiled water so that it will be easier to mix the coco powder but you burned your hand


A.C:"huh? What happened?"

Y/N:"help it BURNS."

A.C:"here!" He places your hand in cold water. HE'S SUCH A GENTLEMAN YOU JUST WANT TO MARRY HIM SO BAD FR

He was staring at your eyes

A.C:"you're so pretty..."

You blushed as you heard those words

Y/N:"t-thank you..."

He was about to kiss you but then someone enters inside the kitchen so he leans back

Y/N:"i- uhm i think my hand is fine now i gotta continue"

You continued pouring the boiled water on your mug and your face was pure red

The person left

A.C:"hey... You forgot the marshmallows"

His head was just on your shoulder as he placed the marshmallows on your cup then he kissed your cheek


Y/N:"what are you doing?😶"

A.C:"i dont kno-"

Y/N:"oh hey! We did the hot chocolate" you cut him off so it wouldn't be so awkward

Y/N:"im not gonna share this😌✌️"

You licked all sides of the mug thinking he would be disgusted but guess what? He still took a sip on your mug-

A.C:"tastes PERFECT"

Y/N:"in that case, im gonna make you one"

He gave you a thumbs up while smiling

*3 minutes later*


A.C:"thank you so much my wife"

You gave him a side eye

Andrija chuckles

A.C:"hm...something is missing..."

Y/N:"*sighs* what now?"

A.C:"your saliv-"

Y/N:"NO. NEVER. you're disgusting"

He laughs
                        Near to pool

Suzana:"kids, wanna go for a swim?"

Y/N:"i already have my swim suit on i just need to put sun screen"

Suzana:"ok then andrija! Are you on your swimsuit?"

A.C:"i am"

Suzana:"ok then you can swim now"

Y/N:"i dont know how to swim,andrija-"

A.C:"i'l teach you. If you drown i'l just carry you"

Y/N:"sure and no. Yes in the teaching and no for the "carry me" thing"

A.C:"fineeee. First, let's know where is the part where you cant reach"

After 24 minutes you finally learned how to swim
End of chapter

Too lazy to finish and cant think of anymore things that will happen😢


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