Chapter Three

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It was close to midday when they finally stopped. The sun had risen overhead and was beating down, the heat making both of them sweat, the slight chill of the morning long forgotten.

Amelia's hand were full of dirt, the middle of the garden sprinkled with seeds until Wes laughed and said that if she planted anymore, they'd chase her out of her own house. After aiming - and missing - a hand towel at his head, she'd moved towards the bushes, trimming all the wayward strands and watering the smaller pots that lined the back of the house, while Wes dug hole in the ground a couple of feet beside the bench she had spotted yesterday. She knew that she was supposed to help, however she couldn't help but stop from time to time and stare at him. The last time she saw him, she'd been walking away, her heart broken beyond repair. Now, she was helping him, and the irony of the situation wasn't lost on her.

In the end, he planted two trees on opposite sides of the bench so that both branches would frame around the seat. Amelia's dad had checked in on them not long after they'd started, the smell of the coffee rousing him only minutes later. He didn't seem particularly happy when he saw her kneeling on the ground next to Wes, but he didn't seem surprised either, just asking if there was anything he could do to help.

"I don't think so." she said somewhat uncertainly, glancing over at Wes. He didn't look back, but by the set of his mouth, she knew he could hear them. "Hold on."

Brushing off the dirt from her hands, she stood and made her way over to where her father was standing. Pushing himself off slightly from the door frame, he leaned down, offering her his cheek, and she smiled before raising herself on her toes and planting a kiss on him.

"Good morning." she said.

"Good morning." he replied. "How'd you sleep?" he asked as he ran a hand through her hair, brushing it back over her shoulder. She hesitated for a moment, aware that Wes was able to hear the conversation from where he stood. She was strangely reluctant for him to know she'd been up crying half the night.

"Alright." she finally decided on. "Thanks Dad."

He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the way they did just for her, and Amelia felt something in her relax since she stepped outside. She let him tug her into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, the strong beat of his heart filling her ear. His chest rose as he heaved a heavy sigh, and she leaned in more into the embrace, her eyes closing.

"How long have you been out here?" he asked, his voice a strong rumble in his chest.

"Not that long. We actually just came out." She waited for him to make a comment on who she was accompanied by, cracking open an eye to glance at him, but he just nodded silently. "We even made coffee." That got a smile out of him, and she grinned as he made a noncommittal sound in response.

She stayed where she was for several long moments, welcoming the warmth of his embrace and watching the sun creep slowly higher and higher in the sky.

"Well, if you need anything, just let me know. I'll be unpacking." he finally said as he slowly extracted himself.

"Sure thing."

He kissed the top of her hair, giving her another squeeze before walking back inside the kitchen. She watched him go, feeling a heavy weight settle just below her ribs once more as the door closed behind him, her relief short-lived, and her eyes falling back on Wes as she picked her way back to middle of the garden. He didn't turn at her approach - reminding of yesterday and the way he'd refused to look at her - and she placed her hands on her hips as she turned and looked back at the house. From where she stood, she could see her bedroom, the balcony still clean from clutter, the curtains blocking most of the view from the inside; she could just barely make out the outline of her bed.

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