just a girl

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you were pretty much your every day, friendly neighbor hood girl, crushing on fictonal characters, and doing who knows what, just a girl on her way home after another tiring day at school, finally over. the walk home from the bus stop per usual,

very hot and not fun.

but you have a cure for that. your headphones help you really feel the music.

boy that sounds cheesy.

IN THNEEDVILLE- hush hush!!

you listen to the same 6 lorax songs everyday, I mean why wouldn't you? they just pump you up and make any task seem easy to conquer.

(100% not something the narrator does)

taking your keys out of your bag, you unlock the door, stepping inside to quickly run off to your room your room to set your stuff down that surely is going to give you a hunch back forever. since you don't have a couch in the incredibly messy living room that no one uses, you push your old beat up office chair out of your room to the front of the TV.
searching for the remote, you end up having to search throughout the dining room and the OTHER living room that your house for some reason has...

once you had finally found it you sat on your chair smugly. you were going to do it. you were going to like it, and sing along, and fangirl-


you loved the Lorax, that movie made you feel better about your life. it made you forget your real life pains. everything about it was just so comforting without actually having that intent. the movie starts playing. the same familiar opening you've grown to memorize. there's Ted..doing his flips off of people's canopies.

after a bit of watching the movie you finally got to the part you were really there for

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after a bit of watching the movie you finally got to the part you were really there for. the onceler. he was your favorite character, as I'm sure he is to many other people...you were squealing with excitement as onceler was just about to find the truffula forest until

your screen started glitching with static.

perhaps this was just your classic xfinity wifi glitching?

you stood up, confused, you tried to desperately to power off the TV so you could fix it, the fuzzy static sound hurting your ears the more you stepped closer. you set the remote down, at this point you might aswell use the built in power off button on the TV. you didn't really like the eerie feeling of the blank TV, it was a bit unnerving. standing on your tip toes to search for the button you feel as if your being pulled, like gravity has reversed itself and was going against you. what was happening? your vision was fading into black. you were losing consciousness, what was wrong with the TV? had your parents purchased it off an illegal website? probably like your siblings?


unfortunately, you were in an odd abyss now, few splotches of a familiar bright blue sky flashing you, what was it from?

all those answers

are for me to know

and you to find out.


all of your silly ideas (onceler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now